It also includes what you eat and put on your skin, beauty and cleaning products.
FOODS: -Dairy products are super acidifying -Processed foods with preservatives, colorings and flavorings (full of chemicals, toxins) -Foods of animal origin (they are injected with growth hormones that cause hormonal disruption and also Antibiotics that weaken our immune system, and have high adrenaline that continues to damage our adrenals causing chronic fatigue).
It is better not to consume, but to reduce to a minimum and organic. Chemicals through the skin take less than 30 seconds to reach the bloodstream. We are being poisoned with chemicals in epic proportions. Cancer can also be produced this way.
It's crazy that the pharmaceutical industry, unethical cosmetics, and large companies continue to profit from our health and lack of self-love. If I do this or wear this, I'll look more beautiful... You're already beautiful, you're enough. Your health comes first, and the rest comes later.
When you heal, your health radiates beauty outward.
That's why we see so many changes so quickly after the transplant, the toxicity level drops quickly and the body is relieved. Imagine if all the other hundreds of toxins were removed as well. Your hair, your skin, your eyes, everything becomes beautiful, from the inside, you deflate and you look radiant. So what do I do? - Eat healthy, lots of fruits, vegetables. - Every time a product runs out, replace it with another ecological or biological one, slowly but surely. In a few months your body and your house will become free of chemicals and your symptoms will improve a lot!
As you can see, even if you cannot explant yet, there are many ways to eliminate toxins that provide relief from symptoms and quality of life. Lots of love and compassion!
SHAMPOO: Average Number of Chemicals: 15 MOST CONCERNING: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate; Propylene Glycol, Methylisothiazoline POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Neurological damage to the fetus, irritation, possible eye damage SHADE Chemicals: 26 MOST CONCERNING: Polyethylene Terephthalate POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Linked to cancer, infertility, hormone disruption, damage to body organs FOUNDATION Chemicals: 24 MOST CONCERNING: Methyl Polymethylacrylate POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Disrupts immune system, allergies, links to cancer
LLIPSTICK: Chemicals: 33 MOST CONCERNING: Polymenthyl, Methacrylate POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Allergies, cancer-related PERFUME Chemicals: 250 MOST CONCERNING: Benzaldehyde, Toluene POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Sperm damage, cancer-related organ irritant, hormone disruption
BODY LOTION: Chemicals: 32 MOST CONCERNING: Methylparaben, propylparaben, polylene glycol (also found in cleansers) POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Rashes, irritation, hormonal disruption
HAIRSPRAY: Average number of chemicals: 11 MOST CONCERNING: octinoxate, isophthalates POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Allergies, hormonal disruption, eye, nose and throat irritation, changes in cell structure
BLUSH: Chemicals: 16 MOST CONCERNING: Ethylparabens, Methylparabens, Propylparaben POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Rash, irritation, hormonal disruption
DEODORANT: Chemicals: 32 MOST CONCERNING: Aluminum zirconium, isopropyl myristate POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Organ irritation, hormone disruption NAIL POLISH Chemicals: 31 MOST CONCERNING: Phthalates POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Linked to hormone disruption, fertility issues, linked to cancer, and developmental problems in babies
FAKE TAN: Chemicals: 22 MOST CONCERNING: Ethylparaben, methylparaben, propylparaben POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: rashes, irritation, hormone disruption PINK = Linked to cancer BLUE = Could affect your fetus
PS1: Since this is a private group, I am leaving you this link to share with other women. Blessings
Free information on how to cleanse your body with Detox:
Breast Implant Disease Group
Text and photo by Liz Cedeno
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