(7 lessons)

It took me a lot of time and introspection to accept myself and love myself deeply. And from there to show myself as I am, taking off my masks.

I am still in the process of learning but there is never a perfect moment. Today I am sharing with you the 7 things I learned about VULNERABILITY in this 3.5 year Detox process.

1-Fruit strips your soul bare and removes everything that is not good or unnecessary, each time at a deeper level. It continues to remove layer after layer like a snake shedding its skin.

2-I freed myself from relationships in which I hurt myself through others. Those mirrors brought my shadow to light to heal. Out of love, I respect myself. I love, respect and honor myself.

3-I left my "comfortable" life of appearances to put my heart and soul into this project called Dear Detox. I bet with my eyes closed, leaving a corporate and safe career that, although good, did not fulfill my soul.

4- I chose to love myself deeply beyond my gray hair, rolls, scars and "imperfections" I am perfectly imperfect. I accepted my sagging skin after losing 30 kg. Looking at myself in the mirror, telling myself I love you and you are enough and really meaning it (the first few times I didn't believe it)

5-I opened my heart again and took off my armor. After having suffered violence in childhood and in an adult relationship, it was difficult for me to trust again. Today I choose to love and be loved again. That's why I came into this world, period.

6-I fell and screwed up a thousand times, to err is human. I never gave up, although there were times when I thought that enough is enough, Universe, I can't do it anymore. And yes, I could. I trust that all the difficult circumstances that arise are because I am ready to face them.

7-I forgave, let go and left behind so much hatred and resentment, my poor "victim self" to begin to take more responsibility for my actions and to choose my destiny. It feels peaceful and light that way.

I always say it and I repeat it: Detox is for the brave, it is a lifestyle of leaving behind everything toxic in the broadest sense of the word in all aspects of life. Cheer up!

Ps: Next group 10/16, sign up and start with a group detox 💪🥰🍎🍉🍇🍓🍋

Blessings 💜
Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy

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