Your body is not a paradoxical mystery that can randomly betray you or “suddenly” develop a disease. Although, how many times have you heard that from people who thought they had a healthy diet and lifestyle?
There is a constant PROGRESSION throughout the DISEASE PROCESS.

This stage is largely unrecognized by the medical community as a stage of disease. Our body’s energy reserves are depleted, reducing its ability to effectively maintain proper cleansing and repair activities as it must allocate energy to prioritize vital system functions. Lack of energy or fatigue is experienced. Some may think this is short-term exhaustion from work, stress, that fun night out with friends, or just natural aging, as we are often told it is. If this stage (reduced energy) is not addressed through diet and lifestyle, it becomes the driver for all other stages of disease.

Due to enervation, the blood and tissues accumulate ever-increasing levels of toxic materials from metabolic waste, non-food ingredients, medications or medical treatments, topical products, water, air, and other environmental pollutants. Toxins are acidic, and acids damage cells and tissues. This, coupled with our increasing toxic load, further impedes our energy levels, resulting in a downward spiral.

It presents as itching, nausea, nervousness, restlessness, or when we have areas that are bothersome but not painful, so the body initiates a cleansing effort - colds and flu, headaches, rashes, diarrhea, and many other symptoms may occur. We typically suppress these cleansing actions meant to expel the buildup of toxins and waste. Treatment (medication) further contributes to the toxic load. The more we suppress this action, the deeper the toxins penetrate the body, and as we continue to take in more toxins, the body's load increases. (Dr. Robert Morse stated that most people die from their own body's waste.)

If enervating conditions continue, the increasing toxic load becomes concentrated in one organ or area of tissue: appendicitis, tonsillitis, hepatitis, for example (these happen to be some of the major routes of organ elimination). Microbes rush to the site to clear away the debris, initiating a massive protective and expelling effort that results in pain and swelling. This is the most intense healing and elimination effort the body undertakes. It is usually treated with drugs, that is, suppressed. Inflammation is a healing and protective immune response.
TC Fry stated: “This is usually the stage when physicians recognize the pathology. It is the stage when those suffering from it are very aware of a problem, as it involves pain. In addition, it involves the bodily redirection of vital energies. The intestinal tract may slow down or shut down. Energy that would normally be available for activity there is brought forward and redirected to the massive effort to cope with a severe condition of poisoning/toxemia.”

If the enervation continues without being reversed by reducing irritation and inflammation, then the buildup of acidic toxins begins to destroy cells or cellular tissue. The body may use an ulcer or skin injury as an outlet to expel the high toxic load. These could be internal or external. The body always selects the most energy-efficient and quickest route of elimination. It is always in its default elimination mode.
Think of toxins in the body as if you were rubbing sandpaper against your skin. It becomes inflamed and if you keep rubbing the same spot day after day it will not heal. Diet and lifestyle modifications and detoxification are aimed at providing the rest and support the body needs to reduce irritation, toxic load, generate energy and support cellular and tissue/organ regeneration.

If the enervation continues without reversing the irritation, inflammation and ulceration, the next stage is to seal off the toxic material by hardening the surrounding tissue, creating tumor tissue or scar tissue to bind the lost tissue.
The skin is called the third kidney and is the largest organ of elimination. When we apply lotions or ointments on external lesions, acne, eczema, wounds, etc., the body will try to seal the opening so that toxic substances cannot enter the body. This also means that toxins become trapped once again. This slows down the cleansing/elimination function. If the ulcer does not heal internally, induration occurs.

Without changes in the previous conditions and with further accumulation of acidic toxins, the body reaches the final stage of the disease. The affected cells return to a primitive state (such cells are like the early cells seen in embryos). Consuming high rates of sugar (200 times the rate of healthy cells), they multiply wildly in a disorganized manner: they can no longer receive structural information and are in self-preservation mode. They do not contribute to the normal functions of the body, but continue to feed themselves and eliminate their waste. Without energy to eliminate cancer cells, toxins and waste, it stores it. The cancer apparently spreads because the body, as a whole, is under the same toxic condition as the area of the body that first developed the tumor.
All of these stages can exist in the body at the same time in different cells or tissues. As you can see, the stages are like a spectrum.
According to, 18% of cancer survivors in the United States were alive 20 or more years after their diagnosis in 2022. However, survival rates vary by cancer type, with some cancers having much higher survival rates than others. For example, the 20-year relative survival rate for thyroid cancer is close to 90%, while the rate for pancreatic cancer is only 1%.
However, statistics can be misleading. For example, “breast cancer used to be diagnosed when tumors were the size of golf balls. Today, it is diagnosed when tumors are the size of peas. So while it may seem like cancer treatment is working, a woman is actually living longer after her cancer diagnosis via mammogram, largely because she learned about her cancer at an earlier stage in the disease’s progression.” (~Shelton) Removing the breasts does not change the underlying toxic condition, killing the cancer cells also kills the healthy cells, and this becomes a race for time and energy. If the underlying cause is not reversed, the conditions for cancer still exist.
We are cured!
By adding new toxic materials, such as drugs, to the body as a treatment, this stops the symptoms and we think we are cured. But the cleansing and repair cycle is interrupted as the body redirects energy to address the new toxic load, or the debilitation increases and the body simply does not have the reserves to continue its healing processes.
The body in partnership with the microbome functions well. The microbome will faithfully continue its natural mode of operation to break down and reuse what is no longer viable (damaged or diseased tissues), and lend a hand to repair and restore, and ultimately recycle the entire organism after death.
How you interpret what a disease is determines whether you apply a symptom management system that can cause further harm, or whether you support the body and microbiome so they can address the underlying cause and move back through the stages of disease to better health and vitality.
PS: If you want to take back control of your physical, mental and emotional health, to break with programs that no longer resonate with love, health, consciousness and peace, I invite you to the next group detox of Alquimia.Regenerativa that starts on 7/26 (one every month) I leave the link below, you can send me a message if you want more information