RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PAIN RELIEF – Transformation Jimena Muruaga 31 years old, Argentina
Jime participated in the Group Detox “Integrate your light and your shadow” that began on May 16th, she experienced great changes on a physical level but also on a mental, emotional and energetic level, she tells us about her experience in her own words:
Hello, my name is Jimena, I live in Argentina. I want to tell you about my experience with the Detox “Integrate your shadow and your light.”
Looking for new natural alternatives to improve and heal a diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis (which kept me for many years with strong remedies and injections), I came to Regenerative Alchemy.
On a physical level, in the 21 days I learned a lot about how to distinguish foods that are harmful to my body and change it for an anti-inflammatory diet that cleanses it of toxins that accumulate in the digestive system, kidneys and lymphatic system.
With all the recipes and healing juices that they teach us to prepare, adapting to this new lifestyle is not difficult, since there is a great variety of delicious and healthy preparations. In addition, with all the guidance and support from the Alquimia team, we can resolve any doubts that may arise.
When I started the process, my joints were swollen and painful, especially in my knees, which prevented me from standing or walking. So I had to take the first week follow-up photo sitting down. As the weeks went by, I began to feel more relief, the inflammation subsided and I was able to stand up. Today, to continue gaining strength in my knees, I can ride a stationary bike, which was very difficult for me before.
I started out very low in weight, but I am now increasing my weight by adding dried fruit, walnuts, dates, avocado, and other things, which I was taught to incorporate into my new diet.
I also noticed that my energy was increasing and tiredness and fatigue were decreasing.
On an emotional level, with meditations and dance therapy classes, I was able to connect with my shadows that were hidden and I didn't want to see. I learned to integrate them, accept them and transcend them, thanking them for what they showed me to improve it in me. I also understood that everything has a purpose and pain is a messenger of the Soul that only comes to free us, connecting us with the deepest part of the Being.
All this allows me to continue improving my symptoms from now on, already on track and knowing what is good for me.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Lu del Mar and Ame for providing me with so much learning and for their loving support for all of us who are starting this Detox.
That is why I want to motivate anyone who wants to make changes in their life: learn to heal both physically and mentally. I advise them to definitely start the Detox with Regenerative Alchemy since it is a before and after.
Your precious body will thank you.
It is up to you to take control of your health and start seeing changes. If you are looking to make changes and learn how to maintain your health naturally, I invite you to our next group detox “HEAL YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM” that starts on 7/25. Send me a message and I'll tell you a little more ✆
Whatsapp: +52 55 1620 7310
For individual sessions private message
Much love and compassion on your healing journey
Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach
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