I invite us today, if there is a health issue or another problem, to see if we are aligned in these 4 aspects. If everything we did led us to feel the way we do today, something has to change. To be in coherence with the new reality we want to generate.

LEVEL 1: THOUGHT“What you think, you attract.”Thought is the first level through which the power of attraction is exercised. This power originates due to the brain’s electric field. A thought prolonged for a certain period of time tends to become reality, for example, people who normally think of negative possibilities attract such situations into their lives. This also applies to the positive pole. On the other hand, the magnetic field of the heart is much larger than the brain’s electric field, so the reality in the heart is usually the one that manifests physically, so it would be a good idea to start paying more attention to our hunches and to think more with this organ (beyond falling in love, which is identical to drunkenness). To attract something from the level of thought using imagination or visualization requires constant practice.

LEVEL 2: THE DECREE“What you speak, you attract.”The decree has a much greater power than thought. The brain’s electric field only reaches a few centimeters around the skull, so only the neurons and some other cells are influenced by its energy. On the other hand, THE WORD, the sound energy emitted, is heard by all the cells of the body, which makes a much larger percentage work in our favor. So if you visualize abundance for your life but you always talk about crisis, lack, scarcity, the reality is that you will attract into your life what you speak, even if it is a complaint. Talking about negative situations makes us prone to such situations occurring, since they create that frequency and, later, tune it. This is the reason why in the sacred books speech is considered a double-edged sword, which can lead to victory or defeat, that is why we must use correctly the power of each word we emit.

LEVEL 3: EMOTION“What you feel, you attract”Every time we experience an emotion we are sending a magnetic signal to the Universe. For example, when we feel Love, the Universe receives a flash that it returns back to the sender. On the other hand, people who tend to feel sad attract situations that reaffirm their sadness. Emotion is much stronger than thought and decree, since it is contagious. For example, when we hear a child laugh, all of us who are present laugh, since their emotional energy fills the environment and this increases their Personal Power (vital energy) even more. Emotion, added to decree or thought, is more effective in creating reality in less time.

LEVEL 4: VIBRATION“What you vibrate, you attract”We often think that emotion and vibration are the same thing, but that is not the case. Emotion is born in the heart; the vibration radiates from the solar plexus (pit of the stomach or third chakra: that of will). When the same emotion, for example Love, has been experienced for a certain period of time, it becomes a rhythmic vibration and moves on to the next level of attraction. That is when the vibration is felt in the solar plexus, colloquially known as “butterflies in the stomach,” which can be felt not only through falling in love, but also through mystical or ineffable experiences. When we reach this point of vibration, we attract more things of that same frequency into our lives. When we vibrate in Love, we attract more Love, manifesting better relationships, abundance, and health. However, it is possible to vibrate many more emotions in the solar plexus and, if you notice, most people vibrate in hatred, envy, resentment and send curses without being aware that everything they wish for others, they are calling for themselves. What are you attracting into your life with your vibration? And what is it that you really want to attract?



Next Group Challenge is July 10th (7-21 days)

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