Have you heard a lot about detox and feel like you need a cleanse but don't know where to start? Have you already done some detoxes and would you like to take it to the next level?
You feel tired, low energy, indigestion, parasites, inflammation, chronic diseases, quitting bad habits, you feel like your body is telling you: Now! Please help. This free masterclass is for you.
– How do I know when I need to cleanse my body (detox) and how often?
– How to carry out a detox successfully and not fail in the attempt
– How to drain the lymphatic system
– Gentle vs. Deep Liver Cleanse
– Basic Deworming Protocol
– I change my mind and I change my life (it makes your life easier)
– Emotional management during detox and emotional hunger
– Shopping list and how to get started (tools, herbs etc)
– A raffle of 7 free recipe books will be held among attendees
WHEN: Wednesday 8/5 at 6pm Mexico / 7pm Colombia / 8pm EST / 9pm Chile and Argentina
Duration 2 hours, schedule it on your calendar
HOW: ➡️Join the WhatsApp group https://chat.whatsapp.com/H7kUBW56XAC9eYee1xVQlg
for one hour we share access to zoom
HOW MUCH: free of charge, FREE
If you would like to send a voluntary donation here https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/donaciones/
See you there 🙋🏽♀️Blessings on your journey back to health! 💚
Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Detox Coach