MASTERCLASS Heal your Nervous System and Adrenal Glands naturally!

How to heal physically, mentally and emotionally: Get back to sleeping well and living a life without stress and nerves. It is possible!

✔️Physical: diet high in fruits (main food), raw vegetables. Eliminate coffee, tea and mate (they damage the adrenals) and animal meats (full of adrenaline)

✔️Mental: review what thoughts and beliefs lead me to sustain situations that are not good for me

✔️Emotional: recognize how the body feels when it is stressed and stop it with anxiolytic herbs: Valerian, Chamomile, Linden, Passionflower, etc. A little tea when I see it coming. To go deep to regenerate the glands: licorice root if there is low blood pressure and Ashwagandha if it is high or low (it is an adaptogen). Monitor my blood pressure. Ideal is 120 to 1300 (above, this tells us how the kidneys are) and between 60 and 70 below (indicates how the kidneys are)

It takes a while to regenerate this but it is possible to be at peace and sleep peacefully!! Much love and compassion on our healing paths 🙏💜

PS: INSTAGRAM: @alquimia.regenerativa FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE:    / @alquimia.regenerativa   Free Support Group (post your free consultations here) Web and content library, all at your fingertips! Contact by whatsapp: +52 1 55 1620 7310

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