I got engaged 💍 ❤️ 🌹

I have been feeling this way for a long time, connecting with that deep love. Last year, during a breathing exercise, I realized that I was that person who sows, searches and waits. That there is no one who comes to complete me except to share.

It sounds very nice in theory, but actually putting it into practice took me a monumental task, due to my past of addictions, self-sabotage and lack of love. After much transmutation, healing, and meditation, something clicked in me. That was the moment when I decided to formalize this commitment and wear this ring (initially it was another one).

This ring is that reminder of my commitment to loving myself deeply, taking care of myself, being compassionate with myself, respecting myself and giving lots of love. Sometimes I still forget about that, but then I remember it again and I'm back on track.

This has led me to make healthier choices, to take care of who I share my energy with, to choose places and relationships with which I resonate, to nourish my body, to give it rest, sun, nature. It also leads me to look inward and get to know myself more and more, both my shadow and my light.

This ring is a symbol of all that, this commitment has been going on for several years but I have already formalized it this way.

Lots of love and compassion in our transformation processes
🙏 💜

Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

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