I grew up in a violent environment, where I didn't know when everything would explode. This violence came from my mother's ex-partner. As a child, I feared for my life, I wanted everything to end, I didn't see any meaning in life.
On the other hand, my biological father was an absent father, even though he loved me. Lacking this protective masculine energy, I was always very insecure and fearful.
What does a girl do to deserve this? I grew up thinking I was alone and had nowhere to run. How do I escape from something like this? I found refuge in food, so at 11 years old, entering puberty, I started to gain weight and after 18 I started to lose control with alcohol.
Everything was completely normalized and socially accepted… We don’t talk about it 🤐 (A – DICTION) or without diction. Post-traumatic stress and adrenal damage were present almost my entire life until I reached the point of breaking down. I lived a seemingly good life, I was very good at pretending and keeping quiet (hypothyroidism).
As an adult, I repeated the same patterns I had learned, having been in a violent, toxic relationship just when I started to cleanse my body. I got sick with fibroids, cysts, and a long list of things, so I had an abortion. That little soul came to show me unconditional love for myself. To unite those broken parts of my being and put myself back together.
Behind every addiction there is a trauma, it takes courage to open that wound and remove the pus so that it can heal. This happens in a deep cleansing process, the physical body is healed, the symptoms but also on a mental and emotional level, what led us to that place.
Today I look back and it seems like another life, another person.
I wish you the courage to look inside your wound… What voids are you trying to cover with food, alcohol, sex, drugs, work, relationships, etc.?
You can get out of a hole, you don't have to hit rock bottom or sometimes. It's also okay to ask for help. I'm here if you need support to break the addiction through live foods, herbs, mental reprogramming and emotional management.
Blessings 💜 on our paths of transformation
Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach
PS: Next group session is on January 6th, Detox Reset, there are still places available, write me and I will send you the program