My process..
Some people think that I have always been healthy and that it is easy for me to be disciplined. Not at all! Here I tell you. It is a lesson in self-love every day and continuing to heal. Many times it is still a challenge and I have had falls, it has not been perfect, but I have always come back!!!
My story of transformation from illness to health!
At the beginning of 2018, I was diagnosed with a fibroid and ovarian cysts that led me to look for options to recover my health. I started following a Hippocratic protocol (raw but with more vegetables than fruit) in Peru for a week and then returned to Mexico, where I continued with the raw diet for several months and little by little I began to see improvements. But I did feel lost and hopeless since I had no one to turn to. I went through several healing crises (when the toxins come out and “symptoms”/discomfort appear that go away after healing). The clinic in Peru only did face-to-face consultations and I couldn’t go back there. After studying and watching videos online, I found Dan the Life Regenerator and Dr. Robert Morse, I knew there was something good. Something clicked in my head, I had to continue advancing in my detox process, the key was more fruit and also adding herbs. I then found out that Thad, a Detox Specialist, such a kind soul, read my eyes (iridology), explained the emotional side of things to me, and provided me with a tailored herbal protocol. I was able to get through a major healing crisis (diarrhea for 40 days) and although I incorporated some vegetables and rice (it broke my heart a little not to eat completely raw) I understood that I needed to transition. So I did and I felt better. With Thad I learned the tools to take my health into my own hands. I studied hard, watched endless hours of videos. I messed up a few times and yet I picked myself up and kept going without giving up. I did a 10 day grape juice fast, 2 lemonade fast (11 and 6 days), dry fasting, intermittent fasting, dry brushing, sauna, workout, yoga, hot and cold showers, enemas, lots of herbs. I also did a lot of emotional work, I broke 6 years that had become toxic, I meditated daily, energy work (reiki and biomagnesium), therapy, visualizations. I also worked a lot on forgiveness, self-love and compassion. All this accelerated my healing process. Not everything was rosy in this process, there were also very difficult moments, sadness, depression, wanting to say I can't take it anymore and give up, it seemed that the clouded mind and the healing crises that came and went had no end.
I let go of people, situations and things that hurt me. It was like a duel to let go of all that. Some people call it being in the belly of the whale, the dark night of the soul. Whatever you call it, all of that was part of my awakening of consciousness, a rebirth, like a caterpillar that turns into a butterfly. I became happier, more vibrant, full of energy, at peace with myself, I slept peacefully, I was filled with strength at all levels, never imagining that all of this was possible, not even in my wildest dreams. Then I started sharing my journey on social media in Spanish and many people were interested. I inspired many people to make healthy changes, some became vegan, others raw, that filled me with love and satisfaction. Then I decided to take this passion to the next level and study to become a Detox Specialist. That complemented very well with my training as a life coach. I also studied herbalism. It's been more than two years of this roller coaster and I'm so full of gratitude to the universe for everything I am and have received in every way. The things I healed: I improved my blurry vision from afar H Pylori Candidiasis or candida Parasites Fungus in both toenails Inflamed intestines Reflux and heartburn Heavy digestion Gas and bloating Fatty Liver Gallstones (they were going to take it out!) High blood sugar levels (almost pre-diabetic) High triglycerides High cholesterol Ovarian cysts Cyst in the right breast Eczema and skin allergies Chronic fatigue and low energy levels Parathyroid problems (processing calcium) Hair loss, brittle nails Skin that bruised easily Constant back pain Thyroid problems Memory loss and blackouts (I forgot things!) Recovery from alcoholism Overweight (32 kilos) Gray hair and wrinkles reversed (yes, it is possible) I expelled mucoid plaque and a lot of sulfur. Although there are still things to cleanse, today I enjoy health and well-being. If you read all of this, I want to tell you that no matter where you are today or if you are suffering, everything will be okay. Yes, you can, keep going! For a long time I was going through hell and thought I was going crazy.
There is a after the storm. It's worth it
, don't give up, give yourself a chance, I promise you will see the fruits of your efforts! If you are thinking about doing a detoxification process, study a lot, read books, watch videos, if you can work with a Detox Specialist, you will progress faster and you will know how to deal with healing crises, also having someone support us mentally and emotionally makes all the difference in the world.
Lots of love and compassion
Lu del Mar
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