The body has ways of protecting itself. Myomas and cysts in the uterus “encapsulate” them so that acids and toxins do not burn or cause more damage. Removing them with surgery is not going to the root of the problem. Taking contraceptives is not going to the root either, but rather covering up the symptoms.

So where is the key? Cleanse the lymphatic system so that it can drain and remove toxins. Rebalance hormones. Adjusting the biological clock. Balancing emotions and healing the trauma that remains accumulated in the uterus.

We tell you a little more about these protection mechanisms:


It is a tumor that grows in the uterus, the muscle in that area becomes fibrous; it is painless, except that, if they become large, they compress nearby structures (for example the intestines).

Causes: The exact cause is not known, but it is known that the hormones of the menstrual cycle (estrogen and progesterone) actively influence the growth of fibroids. If there are hormonal imbalances, growths may appear.

Symptoms: Very heavy periods that can lead to bleeding, bladder inflammation, bleeding between menstrual periods. Pressure or discomfort in the pelvis. Need to urinate very frequently. Pelvic pain. Lower back pain. Rectal pressure. Discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse. Increased abdominal volume. Difficulty getting pregnant and miscarriages.

Detection: Transvaginal or abdominal wall ultrasound, or pelvic MRI with contrast to determine the presence of fibroids.


They are a sac containing a liquid or fibrous substance that forms in one or both ovary or on its surface. The ovaries, in addition to producing eggs, also produce sexual hormones, one of which is estrogen and the other progesterone. Their main function is to regulate menstruation and maintain the uterus in a favorable condition for conception and childbirth. If there is estrogen dominance, cysts and other growths may occur.

Causes: They usually form when the follicle that normally releases an egg fails to open. This causes fluid to build up and form a cyst. Another common type of ovarian cyst occurs after the follicle releases the egg and closes incorrectly, collecting fluid.

Symptoms: When a cyst has a thin stalk it can twist around it, giving rise to abdominal pain very similar to that caused by appendicitis.

Detection: Endopelvic ultrasound for assessment of the internal genital system.

Natural treatment in both:

• The first thing to do is to restore the energy balance by placing the vagina, perineum and anus in a large bucket of cold water for 2 or 3 minutes in the morning and in a warm environment. This will strongly reactivate pelvic circulation.

• You can also choose to take derivative baths

• Put clay on the lower abdomen, 3 times a week, the cycles will be three weeks resting the week of menstruation.

• Medicinal plants:

– For hyperfolliculin: mother tincture of black currant, onoquil, alchemilla,

Vitex or chasteberry, alkyl, wild pansy and redwood

• Help the elimination organs:…

• Cleanse the liver: Milk thistle mother tincture 30 drops for 1 month

• Activate blood circulation: Turmeric, Reishi mushroom, Ginger, Cayenne pepper. To suppress the causes of gynecological disorders, it is necessary, first of all, to stimulate blood circulation. The bloodstream performs such important functions as removing the excess products of the body's activities and all its organs. Millions of cells reach the end of their life every day and are discarded. The bloodstream not only collects all these cells and carries them to be eliminated through urine, feces and the pores of the skin, but also supplies the necessary nutrients for the formation of new cells to replace those that have been discarded.

• Move the lymphatic system: Gentle exercise, hot-cold showers, lymphatic drainage

• Alkaline diet (avoid estrogenic-dominant foods)

▸Add raw fruits and vegetables, they are water-filled foods that cleanse the body, hydrate it, and move lymph. If possible, they should be organic, not industrialized, since they contain pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other biocides, which act as estrogens in the body.

▸Avoid meat and its derivatives such as dairy products, eggs, cheeses in all their forms. They are given estrogen and growth hormones, which terribly affect female hormones.

▸Avoid canned and packaged foods, they have hormone disruptors

▸Avoid processed and ultra-processed foods

▸Avoid coffee, caffeine is related to high estrogen levels.

• Avoid exposure to xenoestrogens. Petrochemicals found in creams, lotions, shampoos, perfumes, hair sprays, etc., may contain xenoestrogens.

Natural replacements:

• Avoid toxins in household cleaning products

Natural replacements:

• Avoid over-stress. And avoid nervous system stimulants such as coffee, yerba mate, sugar, energy drinks, avoid exposing yourself to situations of strong or constant stress, working through traumas if there are any. Stress generates the constant release of cortisol and adrenaline, which leads over time to adrenal fatigue, which ends up leading to hormonal imbalances and chronic fatigue.


Dr Morse's book, The Miracle Detoxification

Blessings on our journey of transformation to health!

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