Is it good or counterproductive during a detox?

It is good, if it is mild. When we are in a deep cleansing process, vital energy is used for cellular regeneration.

If there is EXCESSIVE exercise, lactic acid is produced and the lymphatic system (the body's waste drain) is overloaded by already removing other acids and toxins.

LACK of exercise is also harmful because the lymphatic system does not have a pump like the heart, so we need to move the body to move the lymph.

During deeper detox processes we have to slow down our training. When we go out and start to regenerate we can return to routines that require more strength and effort.

When I started detoxing, I waited a year after cleansing my body with a high raw food diet. Only then did I regain the strength and energy to train again. Before that, I was too sick and still healing.

Little by little I became more flexible, stronger, with faster recovery, and I built up muscles again (which I had lost along with the 30 kilos I lost). All of this thanks to the energy from the fruit and the less acidic body.

4 other considerations:

1) LIVE FOOD in abundance while training, fruits, juices, lots of bananas and dates, sprouts, seeds, nuts, avocado, coconut meat and lots of green leaves (helps build muscle). A higher caloric intake is needed the more we train.

2) REST Even if we have energy, we must give the body a chance to recover. Recovery times improve as the body is cleaner.

3) To REGENERATE For muscles, it is necessary to do bodybuilding, strength exercises such as calisthenics or weights (I do light ones)

4) It is not necessary to consume PROTEINS of plant or animal origin. There are already enough amino acids in fruits and vegetables. Nobody asks gorillas where they get their protein. No processed magic powders. Let's not play the game! I recommend the book The 80/10/10 Diet by Douglas Graham.

Blessings 🙏💜 love and compassion

Lu Del Mar - Regenerative Alchemy Coach

PS: For individual queries, private message.

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