Today we begin the Women's Group Detox. I feel so grateful for all the wonderful women I have had the opportunity to meet throughout my life, in person, online, through friends, colleagues, projects, knitting, networks... Uff

And for the 30 women who have chosen to embark on this Detox, who are committed to health and well-being.

Women portals of life, creativity, projects, beauty!!
What an honor to be a woman 🌹🙏
What an honor to accompany women 👭

It hasn't always been like this... For a long time I felt alone and misunderstood, because of my life choices, because of not drinking alcohol, not eating certain things, because of being different.

Today I feel part of something much bigger, being part of this group of powerful, loving, generous, badass medicine women, who support me, whom I support.

My heart is full of love and gratitude! Thank you for your friendship, your love, your collaboration!! ❤️ I honor each and every one of you.

If you are a woman and you are reading this, I tell you that you are special, you are loved, valued, I see you.

If you are a man, a whole post dedicated to you is coming, honored the sacred masculine 🧎

Ladies, thank you for making life more beautiful and joyful!!

If you want to learn how to take care of your body naturally, reverse symptoms of discomfort, improve your energy, health and improve your habits, join the next MUJER VITAL Group Detox https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/detox-grupal/

You can send me a message if you want more information.

Contact: 55 1620 7310

Herbal Medicine Sales: Shipping to all of Mexico. https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/tienda

Private message for more info


Lu Del Mar – Health & Detox Coach, Herbalist and Alchemist

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