Our skin. Our greatest mirror.

The skin is an integral part of the body and has the same nutritional needs as the rest of the body. The fruitarian diet is important for skin health because it supplies all the nutrients the skin needs. Eating habits in accordance with human physiology do not leave toxic residues that spoil the skin, as live foods "burn cleanly"

They do not leave waste in the lymphatic system that must then be purified by the elimination organs, unlike highly acidifying and toxic foods for human consumption. One of the elimination organs is the skin and if the other elimination organs are congested (kidneys and intestines) and collapsed, the skin begins to be an important elimination support.

Over the past fifty years, we have witnessed a veritable explosion of magazines and other materials, most of them dedicated to skin care. Creams, make-up, plastic surgery, etc. Most readers observe and adopt the suggested methods for skin care as a “scientific” truth.

What if we had a mirror to examine our inner body as meticulously as we look at our faces in the mirror?

Specific recommendations:

✔️ High fruit diet to hydrate the skin
✔️ General hygiene, taking care of your diet and what you put on your skin.
✔️Sleep and rest
✔️No use of chemicals
✔️Short exposure to the sun to obtain vitamin D

The culture of consumption and marketing sell us miracle solutions, but health is an internal process that relates to our physical, emotional, and mental body.
As it is on the inside, so it is on the outside.
Much love and compassion on our healing journey.

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach


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