How do waste products leave the body?
As we mentioned in the previous post The key to detoxing is to move the lymphatic system, but… What is the next step? How do we get the waste out? Through the elimination channels! (Lungs, Skin, Kidneys and Intestine). Mucus also comes out through other orifices of the body such as the vagina, nose, mouth, eyes, when we begin to alkalize ourselves.
A lifetime of consuming acidic foods can fatigue, inflame, ulcerate and overload the elimination organs. In the long run, this causes them to not function properly and waste to not be filtered out.
Symptom: Acne, fungus, herpes, spots, psoriasis, etc.
1- Bentonite clay mask to absorb toxins in the skin and help balance the pH
2- Saunas (as long as we do not have breast implants)
Symptom: Presence of mucus, bronchial problems, respiratory problems, inflammation, allergies, asthma
1- Vaporizations of boiling water and mint and/or eucalyptus oil
2- Avoid smoking, this toxin narrows the bronchi and inflames them, preventing proper oxygenation.
3- Conscious breathing exercises
Symptom: Pain when urinating, kidney pain, frequent trips to the bathroom with short leaks, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, grit, clear urine (no sediment)
1- Consumption of fruits and vegetables, foods full of water and fiber that help filter toxins
2- Avoid coffee, mate, sugar and stimulant drinks that overload the adrenal glands (located above the kidney) and affect their proper function.
3- Castor oil rubbing: Rub castor oil with a pinch of cayenne pepper and 2 drops of juniper essential oil. Warm your hands and apply the mixture by rubbing until you feel heat in the kidney area (lower back). Then apply heat (hot water bottle or bag) for 10/15 minutes.
Symptom: Bowel pain, bloating, stitches, constipation (going to the bathroom once a day or less), diarrhea, overgrowth of bacteria, fungus, parasites/poor intestinal flora, having mucoid plaque (old poop)
1- Consume fruits and vegetables, foods full of water and fiber that help move the food bolus and lubricate the stool. Avoiding acidic foods, especially gluten, is TERRIBLE for the intestine. It forms a paste.
2- Use the intestinal broom to help move stool and remove old poop. Recipe here:
3- Enemas, instructions for Enema at home here:
4- In case of constipation, use the juice of ½ beetroot and/or 5 prunes previously soaked for 4 hours + their soaking water. If you use these tools and still feel constipated, use 1 or 2 cups of senna herb. No more.
In the next post we will share powerful herbs to help each elimination organ.
Next Group Detox “Cleanse your lymph and recover your health” 02/9 there are still some places left! See the full program
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Blessings on our journey of transformation to health!
Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach