You don't heal because when something good comes into your life you reject it and prefer to stay with what doesn't make you happy.
You do not heal because you do not know that you are the origin of your illness.
You don't heal because you continue to ignore the powerful and valuable being within you.
You don't heal because you continue to neglect yourself and pretend that everything is okay in your world.
You don't heal because you haven't dared to confront the people who run your life.
You don't heal because you don't use your scissors to cut ties with people who no longer nourish you.
You don't heal because you have assumed that sacrifice is the way to show love to others.
You don't heal because you don't use the magic of forgiveness to cleanse yourself of anger and resentment.
You do not heal because you do not respect the free will of the beings around you to be what they are.
You do not heal because you poison your body with pills and chemicals that silence the symptoms that speak of inner disharmony.
You do not heal because you run away from the Sun King, you do not talk to the sea, you do not get lost in the forest and you have forgotten that you are the healer.
You don't heal because you ask the universe and when it listens to you and tries to lead you down a path that will make you happy, you cling to the past, and you have free will, if you don't let yourself be led, they won't take you by force...
You will not heal if you do not want to heal.
Via Sonia Von Gineu
Next Group Challenge is September 11th (7-21 days)
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