What is a grain? It is a polysaccharide. A polysaccharide is a complex sugar… fructose and glucose linked together… high sugar content. Grains are complex carbohydrates, which take more energy and digestive power than we should expend to break down (what can be broken down) into simple sugars, which the body needs and thrives on.
Did you know that there is more sugar in a loaf of bread than in a piece of fruit? Energy is at the core of all healing and grains are dense, concentrated, inactive foods with zero vibration. They are a starch, which causes them to stick to our gut lining. Since we are not really designed to eat them, they create an inflammatory response as well as acidosis, and our body cannot fully utilize them. Starches are long chain complex sugars – just too much sugar.
A starch needs insulin to enter a cell, while a simple sugar does not. The body breaks down some of the sugar bonds quickly creating a large spike in blood sugar and the remaining undigested complex sugars ferment in the body feeding candida and other parasites. A fruit is a simple sugar.
Fructose is not broken down into glucose. It does not need to be converted. It is absorbed directly into the bloodstream ready to be used and enters the cell by diffusion. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a food is considered an “acid ash” food based on the ash produced after “food combustion under laboratory conditions.”
Combustion is meant to be comparable to what would occur through metabolism within the body and is used to suggest which foods will produce the desired “ash.” Essentially, it is what is left of the food you eat in your body after digestion. Grains are acidic and mucus-forming. Acids are on the corrosive side of chemistry. They break down tissue and destroy cells. They create inflammation and dehydrate the body. Grains are the leading cause of obesity.
They are one of the most mucus-forming foods on the planet (outside of dairy and meat) and are so acidic that they can break down the lining of the GI tract. They are cooked (heat and acids create a sticky chemical), full of preservatives, pesticides, fillers, and many isolated minerals. They contain enzyme inhibitors that make them indigestible. They are often combined with processed sugars and fats.
They contain molds and toxins and cause fermentation inside the gut. Fermentation has to do with the breakdown of sugar, which leads to parasites, bacteria overload, and candida. They feed the fungus in your body. 95% of all corn in the United States is genetically modified.
Farmers don't feed grain to animals unless they want to fatten them up. People have been eating grain for centuries out of necessity. Unfortunately, we have so many millions of hungry people on the planet that the cheapest way to reach them is through grain. Just because you can sustain yourself on it doesn't mean it's healthy for you.
The American Dietetic Association sold out the American people decades ago. Why are they taking grains out of dog and cat food? Cancer rates went up when they added them. When we are under stress, we are polarized toward acidic foods (our comfort foods).
Living foods are always superior in every way. There is a huge difference between a raw food eater and a grain eater. A raw food diet is superior in its chemistry, its physics, and its electromagnetic energies. Generations of poor diet (milks, butters, cheeses, meats, eggs, and grains) is how humans have gotten to the worst level of cellular decay in history.
If your body has an adverse reaction to fruits or vegetables, it is too acidic. You must detoxify your body and correct your body's digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination. Grains are part of the problem, not the solution.
Text by Karen Lee
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