Did you know that there are over 200 harmful chemicals, neurotoxins and hormone disruptors in beauty, personal care and cleaning products?
How crazy to go into a supermarket and find that 99% of the products have chemicals, toxins and are not fit for human consumption. It is better to look for local organic markets and local artisanal products, so you know what they really put into them.
You help the local economy and the families of producers, and you also improve your health. It's a win-win. Everyone wins.
It was with this spirit that two years ago Querido Herbolaria was born, products made with love for my family and for my clients. Until now only sold by consultation, very soon open for all of Mexico.
If you are in Mexico and are interested in knowing more, you can send me a message. The products come with personalized recommendations.
We will soon be sharing more information about herbs and how to make natural products to save money and invest in health and well-being. Plus, it's super fun.
Toxins not only enter through the mouth, but also through the skin and what we breathe.
What are you choosing today?
With much love and compassion 🙏 💜
Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy
PS: for now only individual consultations, until 8/1 next Group Detox