Many years ago, every New Year was a reminder of how I was screwing up. The previous year I had not been able to fulfill what I had set out to do: go to the gym regularly, go on a diet, start painting or photography again, I had not “made the time”, I had not been able to cut down on alcohol, stop smoking, change jobs.
And so a long list of wishes that came at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year became frustrations, a reminder that there was failed, I had no willpower to make changes Does this story sound familiar to you?
I wanted to be a better version of myself and I didn't know where to start. I was very confused. I tried to copy other people's recipes for success without success.
How did I get out of that vicious circle? Hitting rock bottom, eating until I exploded, drinking until I was unconscious, the moral dryness hurt more than the intoxicated body. The binges became daily. The violent relationship I was in reached its breaking point. Long hours at a job that I didn't love, anxiety attacks to reach my goals. Finally my body collapsed, I got sick and had pending surgeries to remove myoma, tumors and gallbladder.
Between tears and pain, I promised that little soul that briefly incarnated me (I had a miscarriage due to fibroids) that she would take care of me, that she would love me so much until I healed and that I would be fine, that her step had not been in vain. This time, I did keep my promise!
The change began with breaking the addiction to food, after that the others were broken, I quit smoking, alcohol, bad company, I started exercising again. My motivation to not die was very strong. I put a stop to self-destruction. Yes, I was saved from surgery, yes, my life changed in 2018, 5 years ago.
I sought help and guidance, I connected with my purpose, I made a vision board, I received coaching. What is it that you want so much that it burns inside you? What is it that hurts so much and causes so much harm, that it is time to say enough?
I wish you lots of courage, strength to look inside and say no more. With lots of love and compassion. You are more powerful than you imagine. If you are inspired NEW YEAR PROMISE
Many years ago, every New Year was a reminder of how I was screwing up. The previous year I had not been able to fulfill what I had set out to do: go to the gym regularly, go on a diet, start painting or photography again, I had not “made the time”, I had not been able to cut down on alcohol, stop smoking, change jobs.
And so a long list of wishes that came at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year became frustrations, a reminder that I had failed, I didn't have the willpower to make changes. Does this story sound familiar to you?
I wanted to be a better version of myself and I didn't know where to start. I was very confused. I tried to copy other people's recipes for success without success.
How did I get out of that vicious circle? Hitting rock bottom, eating until I exploded, drinking until I was unconscious, the moral dryness hurt more than the intoxicated body. The binges became daily. The violent relationship I was in reached its breaking point. Long hours at a job that I didn't love, anxiety attacks to reach my goals. Finally my body collapsed, I got sick and had pending surgeries to remove myoma, tumors and gallbladder.
Between tears and pain, I promised that little soul that briefly incarnated me (I had a miscarriage due to fibroids) that she would take care of me, that she would love me so much until I healed and that I would be fine, that her step had not been in vain. This time, I did keep my promise!
The change began with breaking the addiction to food, after that the others were broken, I quit smoking, alcohol, bad company, I started exercising again. My motivation to not die was very strong. I put a stop to self-destruction. Yes, I was saved from surgery, yes, my life changed in 2018, 5 years ago.
I sought help and guidance, I connected with my purpose, I made a vision board, I received coaching. What is it that you want so much that it burns inside you? What is it that hurts so much and causes so much harm, that it is time to say enough?
What has to change is you, not the year. I wish you lots of courage, strength to look inside and say no more. With much love and compassion. You are more powerful than you imagine. If you are inspired to make changes, send me a message, I can help you.
Lu Del Mar, if you want to make changes, send me a message and I can help you.
Lu Del Mar