Medicinal properties of jacarandas

In addition to the spectacular images that jacarandas have given us, jacarandas can also help us heal some physical ailments. We tell you about the following:

Drinking a decoction of jacaranda root can serve as a sudorific, which helps expel toxins and stimulate the immune system through perspiration; if you have a cold, it has an action similar to ginger.

The root syrup is also used to cure venereal and gastric diseases and to treat furonculosis or anthrax, in addition to helping with liver conditions, skin inflammations, hemorrhoids and blood detoxification due to its diuretic and diaphoretic properties. The daily dose is 4 ounces.

Due to the tree's antiseptic properties, the liquid from the decoction can be used in external washes to treat acne, syphilis, varicose veins, chickenpox, sores and superficial wounds. Its external application is also recommended to treat bone ailments such as arthritis or bone pain. In case of throat ailments, it is recommended to gargle with the liquid.

Another option is to use infusions of 30 grams of leaves in 1 liter of water to treat the diseases already mentioned, as well as rheumatism, anemia, mouth ulcers and psoriasis. The daily dose is 4 ounces.

In the case of skin diseases, bone pain and genital diseases, it is recommended to take hot baths with a decoction of the jacaranda plant or root.

The dried leaves of the plant can also be crushed to treat open wounds.

Jacaranda leaves mixed with mint can be used as an infusion to treat amoebas. All you need to do is drink a light tea for 7 days.

In case of intestinal worms, you can also resort to an infusion of jacaranda bark with epazote and mint.

Surprisingly enough, the consumption of jacaranda syrup is also credited with anti-tumor and sexually inhibiting properties.

With much love and compassion on your healing journey

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach


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