By Stanley S. Bass, DC
What is the relationship between the quality of food and recovery from illness? Simply put, the higher the quality of food we eat, the faster we will recover from illness, provided we are able to properly digest and assimilate higher quality food.
To this must be added knowledge: (a) proper food combining, (b) proper order of eating the different kinds of food at a meal (e.g. the most easily digested food should be eaten first, the most complex second, and the most concentrated last), (c) the correct amount of food to be consumed (of each kind) at a meal, and (d) the correct time to eat (when hungry, not by the clock).
When the diet improves, the body expels accumulated toxins and useless tissues. What happens now when a person follows these rules and makes a decided improvement in the quality of the food consumed? Remarkable things begin to happen in the body (as well as in the mind). The amazing intelligence present in every cell of the body, the wisdom of the body in its functioning immediately become evident.
The rule is this simple: When the quality of food put into the body is of a higher quality than that of the tissues from which the body is made, the body begins to make room for higher materials which it uses to form new and healthier tissue. This is the plan of Nature - of evolution. The body is very selective and always strives for the best, for better health. The body always tries to produce health and always will, unless our interference is too great. Only then do we fail to recover and degenerate into disease.
The healing nature of many disorders such as colds, fevers, cuts, inflammations and wounds, provide us with endless examples of how the body tends towards health - always - unless we do something to stop the process. When the diet is improved, "withdrawal" symptoms occur Understanding the Symptoms of regeneration when we improve our habits.
One of the most misunderstood consequences for many people who start taking better care of themselves and incorporating more healthy habits into their lifestyle is the symptoms of regeneration and purification of their bodies. Many people expect immediate results and to feel much better when they take better care of themselves, but most experience unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, fever, profuse and dark urine, pain and irritation of the gums, intense elimination through the respiratory tract, pasty and colored tongue, bad breath, muscle pain, skin rashes, fatigue, thinness, nightmares, depression, etc. Faced with this discomfort, many people become frightened, believe that they are malnourished, that they have made a mistake, and after a while they return to their previous unhealthy lifestyle habits with greater intensity.
Binge eating is a common occurrence for many people who are disappointed after trying to improve their diet for a while and do not understand the symptoms associated with the purification of their bodies. They do not understand that these uncomfortable symptoms are the result of the purifying action of their body, which aims to regenerate itself by intensively eliminating toxins accumulated due to years and years of practicing an unhealthy lifestyle, and, in this way, replace millions of cells and a multitude of tissues with others of higher quality and efficiency. In reality, these positive changes should be welcomed with joy and enthusiasm - our bodies are being reborn!
When we practice healthy lifestyle habits, such as eating a diet that is in line with our biological adaptations, such as raw vegetables, mainly composed of fruit, well combined and in adequate quantities, we are better nourished, we introduce fewer toxins into our body and our vital energy levels increase considerably. In these ideal conditions, our body is capable of initiating a process of cellular regeneration because it has more energy and fewer toxins. It will expel from its economy everything that harms it and thus be able to renew itself. The body does not make mistakes, it always tells the truth. It is we who do not understand it and who misinterpret its decisions.
Some of the most common symptoms when we improve our way of living are:
Headache: This is the body's alarm signal warning of internal toxicity. The internal toxic load has increased so quickly that poisons are circulating in the bloodstream and causing irritation to the brain and nerves. – Fever: Our body increases its temperature to burn more toxins and speed up the metabolism, thus intensifying the elimination of impurities and internal purification. –
Stomach upset and diarrhea: We may have accumulated fecal matter in the colon that is now being eliminated. If the person has not consumed raw fruits and vegetables for years, since they are now receiving more fiber with their raw diet, their body may need some time to adapt. In addition, it is possible that their digestive capacities are weakened due to unhealthy lifestyle habits and it may need to regenerate progressively.
Constipation: A new raw, plant-based diet can cause constipation, temporary retention of fecal matter if the body is very weakened and its digestive capacity is impaired. As the body has more energy and fewer toxins, its sluggish intestines will return to normal activity and the initial constipation will disappear. Walking and a diet of raw fruits and vegetables favor this process.
Weight loss: Weight loss is normal when diet is improved. Some people become alarmed when their weight drops rapidly. In most cases, this is not a cause for concern. 3 to 8 kilos of water can be lost when salt is eliminated from the diet. In some individuals, 3 to 10 kilos of old fecal matter can be eliminated through the colon. The body will also try to eliminate all diseased tissue in an effort to rebuild a healthy body and will begin adding healthy tissue (catabolic phase). Weight loss can occur over 6 months to a year. Normally, you can expect to weigh about 10 to 20 kilos less (or more if there is a lot of excess weight). After that time, the body goes into an anabolic (constructive) phase and normalizes its weight. These symptoms indicate an increased excretion of waste and toxic substances: – The kidneys produce dark, odorous urine, sometimes accompanied by grit or mucus. – The lungs produce phlegm, mucus, and a foul-smelling breath, or a sweet, acetone-like odor. – The digestive system may experience inflammation of the gums, dry mouth, dry lips, a pasty, colored tongue, and saliva that tastes like tobacco, salt, or medications. – Vomiting, diarrhoea, gas, etc. – The genitals may experience vaginal discharge, menstrual disorders (darker than normal periods, passing blood clots, early and late periods), vaginal gas, etc. – The skin may experience increased sweating or, conversely, dry skin, increased oiliness, spots, rashes, flaking, seborrhea and dandruff in the hair, etc. – The eyes may experience discharge that leads to conjunctivitis and the ears may experience otitis. Other symptoms. Detoxification crises or chronic detoxification are usually accompanied by other more or less bothersome symptoms: – Digestive discomfort: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, “sadness” in the pit of the stomach… – Respiratory disorders: Cough, shortness of breath… – Discomfort when urinating: frequent urge to urinate and pain and burning when doing so… – Tiredness, general weakness, dizziness… – Muscle or joint pain… Changes in character: nervousness, anxiety, depression, restlessness, apathy, excessive sensitivity, insomnia… Symptoms of internalization of energy. When we are sick, the body accelerates the detoxification process. The organism increases the work of recovery by internalizing its forces, subtracting them from other functions that are not so necessary at this time. Because of this we can notice: weakness, fatigue, decay, dry skin, hair loss, lack of sexual desire, disappearance of menstruation…
This reversal of strength is temporary and will disappear as soon as we rest. For example, let us cite the elimination symptoms when we stop consuming certain unhealthy foods and substances: Animal foods: Eating animal foods creates an acidic condition in the body. When we stop consuming them, the body attempts to reestablish its natural alkaline condition. When the acidic condition of the body changes to an alkaline one, the symptoms that may occur can be confusing to the new vegetarian. The unpleasant symptoms when the body begins to eliminate toxins from meat are as follows: a sour, unpleasant odor may be emitted from the body when the acids are released or neutralized, weight loss, hair may fall out temporarily, breathing may become foul, unbearable, urine may be very dirty, a penetrating bitter taste may appear in the mouth, limpness of the arms and legs. Many people mistake these unpleasant symptoms and weakness for protein deficiency. In fact, the weakness is due to excessive consumption of acid-forming protein in the past. The body's energies are directed toward neutralizing and eliminating these old toxins so that general weakness may be felt for a period of time. Once the toxins are eliminated and the alkaline condition is restored, strength returns to the limbs. The disorder of an overly acidic body caused by eating meat can be quickly overcome by an alkaline diet high in fresh fruits and raw vegetables.
– Salt: Once salt is eliminated from the diet and health improves, old salt deposits in the body are excreted through the skin and kidneys. Sometimes the elimination is so intense that a person may have a continuous salty taste in the mouth for days. The skin may become crusty as the salt is eliminated or it may smell of the particular seasonings being eliminated, such as garlic, onions, peppers, vinegar, etc. The elimination of salt may also cause a temporary rise in blood pressure. Later, the blood pressure returns to normal. When you take salt, you feel thirsty because the body demands more water to keep the salt in solution and thus cause as little damage as possible to the tissues, organs and cells. From 3 to 8 kg of water can be lost when salt is completely eliminated from the diet.
– Sugar: Eliminating sugar from the diet can make a person feel a bit jittery and hyperactive until energy levels adjust to a sugar-free diet. Mood swings, however, are usually more noticeable than any of the physical symptoms when sugar is eliminated. Refined sugar addicts may experience periods of unexplained depression as their blood sugar levels try to correct themselves. A diet high in raw plant foods makes it easier to normalize blood sugar levels and promote emotional calm.
– Caffeine and Nicotine: Heavy smokers or coffee drinkers may experience unpleasant symptoms when they quit their drug and the body begins to eliminate the accumulated toxins from tobacco and coffee: nervous irritability, emotional disturbances, headaches, irritability, extreme lassitude and exhaustion. Nicotine and caffeine damage the nervous system and disrupt the vascular system. These symptoms usually subside after 3 to 10 days of quitting smoking or drinking coffee. Thousands of people have experienced the same symptoms when their health improved. Almost all of the symptoms experienced are due to the body's efforts to detoxify as quickly as possible.
Depending on your health, vital energy and previous habits, these purifying symptoms can be mild or intense, for short or long periods, temporary or constant. Special mention must be made of medications or drugs of all kinds. Old medications that were taken many years ago can reappear in the bloodstream when they leave the fatty tissues and organs. The elimination of toxins from medications and drugs can manifest in a series of rashes when they leave the body through the skin, very strong breath, colored tongue, depression, nightmares, hallucinations, gum irritation, very high fevers, etc. Detoxification from medications and drugs can be a long process. Apart from improving your diet, we can help the body in this detoxification process with: fasting and rest mainly; moderate exercise is also beneficial, if our strength allows it; sleeping and being as stress-free as possible is vital; sun and fresh air will also help in detoxification. It is important never to “cure” any symptom with medication, as this will only make it reappear later with greater intensity. During this process, as much peace and quiet as possible is needed. It is important to cultivate a positive attitude about what we are doing so that we do not feel as if we are punishing ourselves or making great sacrifices. We are regaining health and that is the greatest reward we can hope for. We must realize that our sincere efforts will bring us health beyond our expectations so we will give less importance to temporary disorders. All symptoms will pass with time. The pain of today will be a memory tomorrow. The disorders we endure now mean an absence of suffering later. We are healing ourselves with courage and wisdom. We have much to rejoice about!
Don't judge the results prematurely.
Now, let's get back to the symptoms that occur in the regeneration process. The person who starts a better diet, follows it for three days to a week, and then stops will say, "Oh! I feel better on the old diet - the new one makes me feel weak." He failed because he didn't give his body a chance to adapt and complete its first phase of action - recovery. If he had waited a little longer, he would have begun to feel better than before he started.
During the initial phase (lasting about ten days on average to several weeks in some cases), the vital energies that are usually in the periphery or outer part of the body such as the muscles and skin begin to move to the vital internal organs and begin rebuilding. This diversion of much of the energy to the inner region produces a feeling of less energy in the muscles which the mind interprets as weakness. Actually, the energy has increased, but most of it is being used to rebuild the more important organs and less of it is available for muscular work. Any weakness felt in this phase is not true weakness, but simply a redeployment of forces to the more important internal parts. At this time it is important for the person to stop expending energy and to rest and sleep more. This is a crucial phase and if the person resorts to stimulants of any kind, it will spoil and undo the regenerative efforts of the body. It is important to have patience and faith and to wait, and after a while you will have greater strength that will exceed what you felt before you started the new program. Success in recovery or in improving health depends on the correct understanding of this point - realizing that the body is using its main energies on more important internal work and not wasting them on external work that requires muscular movements.
Be cautious - take it easy at this stage and relax. Just go about your work and social obligations until this is all over. As you continue to improve your diet and gradually increase the quality of your food, interesting symptoms begin to appear. The body begins a process called "rebuilding." The cellular intelligence reasons something like this - "Oh! Look at all this great stuff coming in. How wonderful! Now we have the opportunity to get rid of this old junk and build a beautiful new house.
Let's get this excess bile out of the liver and gallbladder and send it into the intestines for elimination. Let's get this sludge out of the arteries, veins, and capillaries. These smelly, gassy, brain-numbing masses have been here too long - out with them. These arthritic deposits in the joints need to be cleared out. Let's get rid of these irritating food additives, aspirin, sleeping pills, and other medications along with these masses of fat that have made our lives miserable for so long. Let's keep going until the job is done - until we have a beautiful home and from now on we will keep it as a beautiful, ideal model home.
THE THREE PHASES OF METABOLISM (Sum total of the body's functions)
First Phase: Drastic Weight Loss During the first phase (called catabolism), the emphasis is on elimination, or tissue breakdown. The body begins to clean house—expel the junk deposited in all the tissues—everywhere. During this period the body “sweeps the ashes out of the furnace for a better fire.” Here the emphasis is on removing large, urgent body obstructions. Waste is eliminated more quickly than tissue is formed from new food. This is evidenced by weight loss. This persists for some time and then comes the…
Second phase: Called stabilization. In this phase the weight remains more or less stable. During this phase the amount of waste eliminated daily is equal to the amount of tissue being formed and replaced by newer and more vital food. This happens after the excess obstructive material in the tissues has been eliminated. This stage persists for a while and is then followed by the..
Third phase: A period of construction (called anabolism) in which weight begins to creep up, even though the diet is lower in calories than before. By this time, most or a large part of the interfering waste products have already been eliminated - the tissues that have been formed since the diet improved in quality are more durable and do not break down as easily. In addition, new tissues are now formed more quickly. This is because assimilation has improved and the efficiency of the enzymes has increased, which caused the recovery of the digestive mechanism - made possible by the lack of bad food combinations. The body's need for the usual amounts of food decreases and we are able to maintain our weight and have more energy with less food. Many are able to function very efficiently on two meals a day and eventually on one meal a day. As the body progressively increases its efficiency and the breakdown of tissue with exercise decreases, we gradually need less and less food to sustain life.
The higher the percentage of raw foods we consume, the slower the rate of tissue degeneration. A diseased body requires a gradual and carefully worked-out entry into this stage – where one is able to live on an uncooked (raw) 100% diet. Returning to the symptoms that occur on a higher nutrition program, people who have had tendencies in the past to recurrent rashes or eruptions will frequently tend to eliminate poisons and harmful medications through the skin with new rashes or eruptions. If they go now to a doctor who is not familiar with this aspect of nutrition, he will diagnose it as an allergy. They ask themselves the question, “How is it possible that now that I am eating better than before, I am getting worse?” They do not understand that the body is “rebuilding itself.” The skin is becoming more alive and active. You are expelling more poisons more quickly, now that your body has more energy, which has been saved by not eating those hard-to-digest foods. These toxins that are being eliminated are saving you from more serious illness, which would lead - if you keep them in your body too long - to the possible development of hepatitis, kidney disorders, blood diseases, heart disease, arthritis, nerve degeneration or even cancer - depending on your structural weaknesses.
Be happy, you are paying your bills now on an easy payment plan. For some, colds that have not appeared for a long time may now appear, or even fevers. This is nature's way of cleaning house. Understand that these actions are constructive, even if they are unpleasant at the time. Do not try to suppress these symptoms with the use of certain medications, or even massive doses of vitamins, which will act like medications in high concentrations. These symptoms are proof of a healing process. Do not try to "cure" the healing process! They are not conditions due to deficiencies of some kind or allergic manifestations - not if you are eating correctly as to quality, quantity, combination and sequence. This is where expert advice is of great value. Unfortunately there are few books today that give complete guidance to the average reader. Try to get guidance from a doctor or educator who has the required expertise in the most confusing of all subjects - nutrition and its relationship to health and disease.
Purification of the body can be a long, ongoing process, you can be eating perfectly in quantity, quality and observing all the right rules, and still have symptoms. Those who have led better lives in the past - who have eaten better foods and abused their bodies less by not overeating - will have reactions ranging from almost none at all, or very mild, to symptoms that may be uncomfortable or acute. Those who have led worse lives and have poisoned themselves more will experience more severe symptoms if their liver, kidneys or other important elimination organs have been damaged. When they have been replenished to the point that they can function properly, they will no longer produce symptoms. Headaches may occur at first. You may also have fever, colds, break out in spots on your skin, suffer from a short period of sluggish bowel movements, have feelings of tiredness or weakness, lose the desire to exercise, feel nervous, irritable, mentally negative or depressed, urinate frequently.
However, the vast majority of people find their reactions tolerable and are encouraged to endure them because of the many improvements that have already occurred and which are becoming more evident every day.
This acts as an inspiring force for them. The symptoms will vary according to the materials being eliminated, the state of the organs involved in elimination, and the amount of energy you have available. The more rest and sleep you get when symptoms are present, the milder they will be and the more quickly they will disappear. Be glad that you have the symptoms. Realize that your body is getting younger and healthier every day because it is expelling more and more wastes that would have caused you pain, illness, and much suffering over time. Those who have worse symptomatic reactions and continue on until they are successfully gone are thus avoiding some of the worse diseases that would have eventually developed if they had continued with their unwise eating habits.
You will eventually reach a wonderful state of health. Even if your diet quality continues to improve, don't think that you will feel better and better every day until you reach perfection. The body is cyclical by nature and health recovers in a series of gradually decreasing cycles. For example, you start a better diet and for a while you feel much better. After some time, a symptom appears - you may feel nauseated for a day and have diarrhea with foul-smelling stools. After a day you feel even better than before and everything is fine for a while. Then suddenly you develop a cold, have chills and lose your appetite. Within two to three days (assuming you don't take any medications or do anything else about it) you suddenly recover and feel better than you have in many years.
Let us say that this well-being continues for two months, when suddenly he develops an itching or rash. He continues without taking anything. This rash becomes more virulent, worsens, and continues for ten days and suddenly diminishes. Immediately after this he notices that his hepatitis has disappeared and his energy has increased more than before. The rash has become an outlet for the poisons in the liver that produced the hepatitis.
This is how recovery happens, like the Dow Jones Average at the beginning of a surprising market rally. You feel better, a reaction occurs, and you don't feel well for a short time. You recover and you're much better. And each reaction is milder than the last as the body becomes purer, each one lasting shorter and shorter, feeling better than before and lasting longer, until you reach a level of vibrant health. Here you are relatively free of disease and filled with the unceasing joy, life, and happiness that come from genuine well-being.
The mind opens and expands towards broader horizons and your soul will shout with joy. You begin to love the world, the universe and everything in it. This is the natural state of the mind – happy, joyful and at peace with the universe – and it can only be achieved by following the biological laws.
The first laws we must learn to obey are the laws of Nature. We must learn to eat simple, pure, natural foods properly prepared and combined, and our bodies will in return expel all the evil we have taken in during our lives. Nowhere is the principle of forgiveness of sins more manifest than here—in our own bodies—when we give up our harmful and destructive eating habits (the desecration of the temple of the soul). God (or Nature, if it pleases) gives us a new opportunity for a glorious new life.
All repentance must begin here in the body, through a purer diet and natural foods. Then all that remains is to have faith, sit back and watch what happens. Before your very eyes you will see signs daily that will make you marvel at this immense intelligence at work that is beyond your ability to comprehend. The mysteries of the body, the operations of Nature, the life forces at work in Nature and in the Cosmos are beyond what our minds are prepared to comprehend at the present moment. Every great physician or scientist who ever lived stood in awe and humility before the wonders of Nature. Yes, we are, “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.” Let us give ourselves a chance to experience what it means to be truly healthy and fully alive—to feel the joy of living by following the laws of Nature (God) as they were intended for man, by eating natural (normal) foods. Indeed, this is the first requisite for man’s physical, mental and spiritual development.
Reprinted from HYGIENIC REVIEW
Text via Rolando Diaz
Next Group Challenge is August 14th (7-21 days)
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