The brain, nervous system and body

Anger releases a hormone from the adrenal glands that increases blood pressure and heart rate, called noradrenaline, and this change happens immediately, according to Eduardo Calixto González, a professor at the Faculty of Psychology at UNAM. Also, the head of the Department of Neurobiology of the Directorate of Neuroscience Research at the Ramón de la Fuente National Institute of Psychiatry added that it is normal for anger to last between 30 and 40 minutes. However, if this condition lasts more than four hours, it is harmful to the brain.

This causes the “most logical and congruent part” of the brain to be cancelled out and increases cardiovascular and respiratory activity. We are in a state of survival.

How to get rid of repressed anger?

  • Getting to the root of anger, where does it come from, from what, from whom, is it something recent, something that has been stuck in us for many years, even since childhood?
  • Observe our anger, release it, with physical exercise, meditation, singing, dancing, whatever helps us release it.
  • Forgiveness, key not to hold a grudge, accept 
  • Think before you speak: You should avoid saying something that you might regret, so you should organize your thoughts first. Meditation helps in this regard. 
  • Try to reconcile with the other person: In an assertive way, without generating confrontation. Mention our needs and concerns without hurting others.
  • Physical exercise: Physical activity, such as taking a walk or running, helps reduce the stress of anger or rage.
  • Take a break: Take breaks throughout the day when doing activities. Also breathe and step away when anger arises, so as not to react with the other person. 
  • Identify solutions: Solving the problem that caused the anger is a better activity than focusing only on the reason that triggered this feeling.
  • Speak in the first person: Be respectful and specific in expressing what happened. Don't blame or criticize the other person. It's more constructive to start a sentence with "I'm upset about this situation because..." rather than just criticizing the other person for doing or not doing something.
  • Using humor to release tension: Without sarcasm, one tool to overcome this feeling is humor.
  • Practice relaxation: Deep breathing or listening to music are some techniques to relax in moments of stress.
  • Seek help: If you recognize that the outbursts of gonna are out of control, it is advisable to seek medical psychological help.
  • Cleanse the liver: In biodecoding it is associated with the emotion of anger 

 Herbs: Milk thistle, boldo, dandelion, turmeric. 

Apples: They have malic acid that cleanses the liver 

Liver cleansing with olive oil, grapefruit and apples. It is recommended to do it with accompaniment 

Fountain: https://www.tvazteca.com/aztecanoticias/que-pasa-cerebro-cuando-enojas + adaptations by Lu del Mar 

Lots of love and compassion

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

Ps: Next group meeting JUNE 23 🍉🍓🌸

For individual sessions with 30-day follow-up, please send a private message. See the individual program here https://tinyurl.com/ProgramaDetox-Individual

On June 12th we will have our Light Retreat with Marzia Mascolino at Oasis Wellness Detox Www.oasiswellnessdetox.com where we will fast to heal our physical body and elevate our mental, emotional, spiritual body 🌿 Check out the program with everything we have prepared https://tinyurl.com/RetiroMexicoJunio

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