What is Detox?

(Dr Robert Morse Method, text from his book)

«Detoxification is not a treatment system or a way to eliminate symptoms; it is a healing system that addresses the cause of disease. That involves understanding that the body is the healer, and that energy is at the core of healing. It also sheds light on the true cause of disease: energy destruction. Energy or energy destruction results from what we eat, drink, breathe, put on our skin, and what we think and feel. These are the six ways in which we become healthy and vital, or sick and weak.
Naturopathy is the purest form of healing. Its procedures and diagnosis. All tools are completely non-invasive, and at their core are alkalization and detoxification.»

“One of the hardest parts of this program is working with the mind. Like a computer, you get out what you put in.” “Change your mind” from one of toxic thinking to one of natural, pure thinking.” “Most people live to eat; I would like you to start thinking about eating to live [Raw]. What you eat has a direct effect on your health, and I have tested this year after year on hundreds of clients. I have seen cancer, time and time again, cleansed by the body. In addition, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and arthritis are eliminated. I have seen spinal cord injuries reconnected and nerve damage from strokes, multiple sclerosis, and the like, healed. There is no magic or mystery in health or disease. Disease is a natural process! When we understand how the body works and what causes body tissues to fail, then we will understand what causes the symptoms of disease and how to reverse them.”

«It will help you understand your species and encourage you to eat in harmony with your anatomical, physiological and biochemical processes. This will give you vitality and a disease-free life. Allow yourself the time and discipline to live again through detoxification! Put your heart, self-discipline and soul into it. Detoxification will be one of the best things you will ever do for yourself.»

I encourage you to start cleansing your body, increasing raw fruits and vegetables, juices, herbs to support your organs. Remember that we are not only a physical body but we are also acidified or alkalized by thoughts and emotions.

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

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