Lettuce Tacos with Vegetable Meat Recipe

This is a recipe for transitioning to raw veganism, not for a detox or cleansing. These are live foods full of nutrients and delicious enough to satisfy even the most demanding palates.


Place in the processor or blender 10 walnuts previously soaked for 4 hours, 6 dried tomatoes previously hydrated for 4 hours, 1/2 clove of garlic, a handful of parsley, a handful of fresh oregano or 1/4 spoon if it is dry, a
tablespoon of water.

Seasonings: pinch of cumin, cayenne pepper, smoked paprika, salt or sea water, black pepper. Blend everything for one minute.


Place the vegetable meat on the washed, whole and dried lettuce leaves and serve with bell pepper strips (1/4), 1/2 avocado cut into pieces, cilantro mix and finely chopped onion.

ENJOY NOW! You can eat healthy, delicious and compassionately

Next Group Detox August, for individual sessions with Personalized Plan private message

With much love and compassion on your healing journey

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

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