Forgive me, Mother Earth, for the times I attacked you without realizing it, for wasting your water, for creating unnecessary trash because of my consumerism. How alienating it is to live in a city where I don't feel your support, living in the heights. Where having a little bit of green is a luxury. How could I not have gotten sick, if I forgot that I am part of you and you of me.

I lived in a very nice glass box, with a lot of anxiety and constantly thinking there is something wrong. By society's standards, I had everything. Yet, in your absence, Mother Nature, I felt empty and purposeless. Just like an animal in a zoo, torn from the bosom of nature.

By returning to eating raw fruits and vegetables, the natural food for humans, I felt your call again, clear and strong. It was always there, but I ignored you when you told me “Return to my daughter.” I listened to you and decided to leave everything and return to you, Mother Nature. To feel the earth under my feet again, smell your flowers, heal with your herbs and nourish myself with your nectars, the fruits. I became friends with animals and insects, with the earth under my nails, I began to grow my food and thus received so much abundance multiplied.

Thank you, Mother Nature, for bringing me back to life when I was dead in life. I feel deeply grateful to you. Because by being in coherence with you, my health returned to me. I am still learning how to connect more with you, respect you and learn from you. I am also still unlearning, decolonizing myself, decivilizing myself, becoming more animal and more human again.

A human hug,

Lu Del Mar

PS: Today is the last day for the group detox on March 10th. Activate your biological power. Let's reconnect with nature and our own power.

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