Oxygen is our main source of food, the cells in our body need oxygen to live. When these cells do their job, they generate carbon dioxide and the lungs and respiratory system allow the body to get rid of this carbon dioxide when we exhale.
Oxygen ALKALIZES the body. In an alkaline body, there is no disease.
This is why it is so important to have a correct inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide (CO2). The respiratory center, located in the lower part of the brain (part of the brain stem located just above the spinal cord) involuntarily controls breathing, which is generally automatic.
If we do not breathe correctly, that automatic programming will not fulfill
its function of oxygenating the cells at 100%. For this reason, practicing conscious breathing exercises helps to oxygenate us and reprogram our automatic breathing patterns.
On the other hand, breathing helps us relax the central nervous system and be present, so it is a tool to lower the level of stress and anxiety.
1- Respiratory organs filled with mucus due to an acidic diet:
Breathing occurs through the lungs, which are organs that eliminate toxins and waste, as are the kidneys, intestines, and skin.
When there are many toxins in the body, especially when we consume acidic foods that “burn inside” the respiratory tract (nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, lungs, bronchi) and other organs fill with mucus to protect us.
When there is excess mucus, you cannot breathe properly. Mucus is not the enemy, but a consequence of acidification and a protective mechanism of the body.
2- An incorrect posture:
Not having a correct posture does not allow us to have an open chest and have correct diaphragmatic breathing. Shoulders back and down (away from the ears). Open chest and upright spine.
3- Breathing through the mouth:
When our airways are blocked by mucus, nasal breathing becomes difficult. If we suffer from sinusitis or allergies, it prevents us from breathing properly.
1- To eliminate mucus we must eliminate from our diet acidic foods that generate mucus, move the lymphatic system and open the elimination channels to eliminate old mucus, and step by step our respiratory tracts will become unclogged.
2- To improve posture and diaphragmatic breathing we can do physical stretching exercises such as yoga, elongation and flexibility allow us to stretch and re-educate postural behavior, and then doing weight exercises (light strength) allows us to have toned muscles that can support the spine well and have an open and spacious thorax so that the lungs can make their muscular movement of inhalation and exhalation in a fluid manner.
3- To start breathing through the nose consciously, first of all step 1 helps us a lot, and on the other hand it also helps us to do breathing exercises to re-educate our breathing patterns.
If we are in a quiet place we can use energizing music while we practice them.
1- Breath of Fire (To increase energy and mental clarity)
We inhale and exhale through the nose for 1 minute. It helps us to activate the body, our inner fire, the will, raises the energy through the kundalini, and gives mental clarity.
2- Square Breathing (Relaxation of anxiety and emotional hunger)
We inhale through the nose counting to 4, 1 breath per second.
Hold oxygen for 4 seconds, 1 breath per second.
I exhale the co2 in 4 seconds, 1 breath per second.
Repeat 4 times total.
It helps us with panic attacks, calm anxiety attacks, overcome the feeling of emotional hunger, relax the central nervous system and also helps us to get rest.
Audio: https://tinyurl.com/ykwuawkj
Video: https://tinyurl.com/4jw9b96u
3- Breathing of the Void (Existential depth, emptiness and detachment)
Inhale through your nose, fill your lungs very well, hold, and then empty them.
Cover my nose and contract and pull in my navel, this way I anchor myself in the void. I stay in that apnea (empty lung) and I can stay as long as I can sustain it.
They connect us with our inner depth and emptiness. They allow us to inhabit our deepest emotions.
These techniques are some of the ones we will practice together in the next group session 18/3 private message for more info, for individual sessions private message
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Much love and compassion on your healing journey
Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach