Romina Costa (42) from Argentina participated in the February Detox, and tells us about her achievements in her own words:
“I started my Detox with all the enthusiasm and expectations, hoping that it would be a turning point in being able to carry it forward, like every time you start something, there is a lot of energy and desire put into it.
The first week of Detox, I achieved a very good adherence to it and it brought a first impact on my body, with a lot of pain my body released a stone of 5 mm in diameter from my right kidney, I knew that I had it lodged from previous studies that I had done. As soon as I started with the pain I imagined that the body was expressing itself wanting to remove, expel, clean things, among them this stone.
I was always supported, especially that day by Lu and Ameba who lovingly accompanied me through my very painful process, although after that physical pain, that stress that my body went through, it was hard for me to go back to detox, but I felt that I HAD WON. I felt like a heroine, having been able to direct the energy to that organ with the help of this Detox and let the body take care of the rest.
Today my right kidney is completely free of kidney stones and I have given myself that gift through this beautiful process. Thank you Lu and thank you Ameba for trusting me more than I trust myself!”
Romi, we are proud of your process. When we have toxemia, the body uses cysts to protect itself in different ways (stones, abscesses, cysts, fat, fluid retention, tumors, etc.) so what you eliminated was something intense and profound. We honor your process.
If this transformation inspired you to make positive changes, I invite you to the next group session that will start on 4/29. You have time to prepare. If you want an individual detox with a personalized plan, we are taking sessions. Send me a private message.
With much love and compassion on your healing journey
Lu de Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach
PS: Next Group 4/29, for individual detox with personalized plan, private message