Get out of the Matrix.

I tried to live as “normal” a life as possible, to have a partner, to have a job in a renowned company, to have a good management position for Latin America, to have a nice apartment.

To the outsider, I would say I was “successful,” but I lived a miserable life of appearances, a toxic and violent relationship, a stressful job and long hours under pressure and manipulation. I turned to alcohol to calm my anxiety and fear, and to food to fill my voids.

There is something deeply wrong with what society views as success.

TO BE OR TO HAVE? I had many things that I thought would make me happy, my next promotion, my next partner, I bought more things to impress people who didn't value me... Appearances, being and seeming told me... dress in such a way, act in such a way.

THE EXIT By changing my diet and removing everything that is not essential from my diet and life, I realized what this whole game is. The Rat Race. Work to live or live to work. I gave up toxic food. I gave up toxic relationships. I left a stressful job. I stopped pretending and wanting to please.

I was afraid to leave all this behind for sure, it hurt me to see everything it had done to my body and my soul.

My soul wanted to be free and it didn't fit into this old paradigm anymore. I lived depressed and trying to pretend that everything was fine, if everyone did the same... I came to live in the countryside, in Malinalco, State of Mexico, my fruit paradise. I gave away all my designer clothes, I stopped wearing makeup (I still use a little sometimes), I stopped using chemical beauty products.

I live from what I love, being of service, I guide detox processes and help people recover their health, I work with herbs. I put my gifts and my soul's call to service, which is what I came to do in this incarnation. ❤️🙏

A life with purpose. Living a life without purpose, a zombie, a job that does not fulfill you, only to receive money and live in confinement, makes you sick and consumes your life.

I wish you all the best, that you find what fills your soul, love, a deep connection, health and abundance. Do not be afraid when you follow your soul's calling, the universe conspires in your favor.

raw #crudi #rawvegan #plantbased #fruits #drmorse #Detoxemocional #alimentacionviva #detox #depuracion #detoxification #fruit #fruitslife #higienism #vegan #higienevital #higienism #naturism #vegetarian #transition #health #amorpropio #selfcare #vegan #alcaline

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