Patricia Molnar (50) from Argentina participated in the April group detox and then continued with 30 days of conscious eating with a raffle that she won, she had multiple favorable changes and tells us in first person about her transformation experience:

«I have been a vegetarian since I was 16, but I only started eating more fruits and vegetables at the age of 40. Before that, it was mostly white flour.

I did my first detox with Lu and Ame in May and I noticed a lot of changes in my health, my mood, my energy level. I had 3 fibroids and I just found out with an ultrasound that after the detox I only have one.

At the hemoglobin level, I always took supplements, which I stopped taking when I started the detox. In my last post-detox studies, it was seen how I reached levels even higher than those I reached with weekly injectables.

I think the comprehensive approach of detox is great. I also worked a lot on a mental level with powerful phrases, which are a great tool. They come to me at very specific and everyday moments of my day to day life, which allows me to become aware at the right time, to choose what is good for me and do the best I can at all times.

The workshops and meditations also helped me find a balance, a middle ground between demanding too much of myself and trying to do everything right, and understanding that it is okay to go step by step and value what I am achieving.

In total I lost 10 pounds / 4.5 kilos

I eliminated parasites from the liver

On an emotional level, I felt like my anxiety level had decreased. I learned to distinguish between real and emotional hunger.

Pato, we celebrate all your favorable changes, thank you for allowing us to accompany your process.

Much love and compassion on your healing journey

PS: If you want to take back the reins of your physical, mental and emotional health, to break with programs that no longer resonate with love, health, consciousness and peace, I invite you to the next group detox of Alquimia.Regenerativa that starts on 7/26 (one every month) I'll give you the link below, you can send me a message if you want more information

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