We are what we eat.

You have probably already heard the phrase “We are what we eat”, and also this phrase: “As it is inside, so it is outside”.

Let's play for a moment, open your fridge, what's inside?

This is a representation of how your body is: Are there processed foods with letters that are not understood, colorings, flavorings? Of animal origin and in a state of putrefaction, full of hormones and antibiotics?

Or are they fruits (also kept outside the refrigerator) and fresh, seasonal vegetables, full of energy and nutrients?

All of that is in your body and shapes the quality of your tissues and cells, eating junk food and expecting to be healthy would be the definition of insanity.

Well, that was how I was. I thought that by eating junk food and drinking a lot of alcohol, I would be healthy because I wouldn't get "sick." My body held out for a long time. I thought I was healthy because I wasn't sick, lying in bed, inoperable. But I was tired, depressed, breathing heavily, obese, my body hurt, and I got used to living like that... tremendous! And when I did get sick, it was a complete surprise... I didn't see it coming.

Now I look at it and it was so obvious! Food, mind and emotions in coherence make all the difference in the world! Only when health is recovered, do we know that what came before was not health, but SURVIVAL. Are you surviving or living your maximum potential? When that link with food is BROKEN, that DISCONNECTION, can lead us to get sick. HEALING that link leads us back to health. Lots of love and compassion 💜


Next Group Challenge is July 10th (7-21 days)

#raw #crudi #crudivegan #plantbased #fruits #drmorse #Detoxemocional 1TP5Livingfeeding #detox #depuration #detoxification #fruit #fruitslife #higienism #vegan #higienevital #higienism #naturism #vegetarian #transition
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