Whispers of Pachamama:


I know your intentions are loving! I know you truly want to help. You want to serve. You want to take away the pain of any sentient being because you “believe” it is not necessary. You want to uplift, awaken, care, educate, inspire. You truly believe that you are a positive, compassionate, selfless, nice, good, kind, conscious person.
However, I would like you to consider whether perhaps you are trying to relieve your own unconscious pain by focusing on everything outside of yourself.
"You don't see things as they are, you see things as you are!"
«Please don't try to save me. I am not broken. I AM powerful beyond your imagination, I can take care of myself, you, and everything else above and below. I have been doing this for eons and will continue to do so.

When you try to save me, you are unintentionally avoiding accepting “the” RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF, which is actually “the only” responsibility you have this time.
((((The R-Evolution is within))))

Can you see that when you try to save me, you are actually abandoning yourself? Are you running away from your own discomfort, pain, your own unlived potential, your own fears, etc.?
I become your ultimate distraction and hiding place FROM YOURSELF.
I don't want to be that to you anymore.

Let’s break this cycle together! Please stop trying to fix me or save me. Instead, let’s love each other, bow down to each other, bless each other, embracing each other… as we are.
I'm already doing it...!

Stop fighting with your siblings in my name, just because unconsciousness took over some of them.
The worst criminal and the most beautiful soul are brothers and sisters.
When you fight unconsciousness you only create more unconsciousness so you help more when you stay still, look inside and learn about yourself.

There is a price to pay for knowledge. That price is 'responsibility'.
~ Ayahuasca Journey

IG @evolution_responsible

With much love and compassion 🙏 💜

Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

PS: for now only individual consultations, Next Group Detox 08/01 ♥

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