Maintaining a space of trust and love is so important in processes of change and transformation.

I know from personal experience what it feels like to be alone and not know where to go, in a sea of contradictory information and where having healthy habits is “weird” and eating raw food is “strange.” I had a high degree of toxemia and “illnesses,” and little mental clarity. Now I know that everything I went through was so that I could empathically accompany others by putting myself in their shoes.

When I started my journey I looked for support and guidance, and at the time it was Thad Cheatham, who made all the difference, his love and support. This inspired me to study Regenerative Detoxification. In addition to Alchemy and Ontological Coaching, they have given me tools to support me on a physical, mental, emotional and energetic level.

I have met people who tell me: thanks to you I changed my life, I was cured of cancer, I was able to conceive, I lived again… So many. What a blessing to be able to serve! That is my vocation in the world. Thank you for every comment, like and private message full of love.

Those who choose to be accompanied are often surprised by how personalised it is, how well they treat each other. Thank you for the trust and love I receive. It fills me with great pleasure to know that I have contributed my grain of sand. Hundreds of testimonies, changed lives, new hope in life, regaining health and energy.

It is not only the technical information and the correct protocol for each person that is so important, but also the way in which this is done: Love, Respect, Compassion, Flexibility and Containment free of judgment.
It is not only what we eat but also mental programs and emotional management.

Infinite THANKS to the great mystery, God as each one calls him, for having given the possibility of accompanying other beings to recover their health 💜✨ making this my mission in life and a means of honest and coherent support.

A hug

Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

PS: If you want to do a Detox or Conscious Eating process, leave me a 💜 below and I'll send you the info

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