The information about the symptoms that we share here can be found in the pamphlets that come in the implant box. Yes, they are made to look at. However, many surgeons, for economic convenience, say that they are forever or last 10 years and then they have to be replaced. They say that there is no problem when the reality is different. There is a conflict of interest with the aesthetic industry that profits from the insecurity or false “empowerment of women” at the cost of their health and even their lives. If you know someone with breast implants, please help us spread this information to raise awareness.

If there is something in this article that does not resonate with you, I invite you not to believe anything but to investigate and the truth will come. Your life is very valuable.

Below we leave you resources: FB Group Breast Implant Illness, part of the text we share was also extracted from there:

Free Detox Group:

Why do some develop symptoms and others don't? 

I live with Angie Monasterio about the Pre and Post Implantation Detox

(This applies to all brands of silicone and saline)

  • They stimulate an AUTOIMMUNE reaction to defend the body against this foreign agent, generating inflammation, mucus, and overgrowth of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, and parasites) to eat these toxins. 
  • The body enters a chronic state of STRESS and INFLAMMATION, which requires the constant release of the stress hormone (CORTISOL) to reduce this inflammation. This can lead to weight gain or loss, chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, etc. 
  • They have a slow leak known as “GEL BLEEDING” which overloads the body and lymphatic system with over 40 toxic chemicals (carcinogens, hormone disruptors), silicones of different molecular weights and heavy metals (such as mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, platinum and more).
  • On the surface of the implants, the so-called “BIOFILM” or “CAPSULE” develops: a population of bacteria covered by a very resistant viscous matrix that keeps them together and adhered to the tissue. This biofilm protects the bacteria by preventing the immune system cells from penetrating and destroying them. 
  • Since implants are made of polymeric biomaterials that oxidize in the body, they contribute to OXIDATIVE STRESS, which causes cells to oxidize, affecting their functions and causing them to deteriorate.
  • Non-silicone, SALINE implants allow fluid to enter body tissue and microorganisms to colonize within the implant because many of the saline valves are permeable. These microorganisms produce metabolites that are toxic to us, known as biotoxins.
  • Toxic silicone chemicals damage our thymus gland which causes a deficit of immune cells (T cells are so called because they are formed in the Thymus). Because our Thymus gland is not functioning normally, Killer T cells are not maturing and working to fight infections in our body. These immune cell deficits allow infections such as BACTERIA, FUNGUS, VIRUSES, and parasites to thrive in our body. Most women with silicone implants get fungal infections such as yeast/Candida overgrowth in the gut and elsewhere. 
  • The presence of heavy metals that are released through implants generates the need for the overgrowth of Candida fungi in the body (these are heavy metal eaters). These beings help us but their poop (metabolic waste) has up to 79 toxic compounds that interfere with our transmitters and can generate serious levels of anxiety, depression, changes in eating behavior (craving junk food/binge eating) etc. 


– Fatigue or chronic fatigue

-Cognitive dysfunction (mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, word retrieval, memory loss)

-Muscle aches, pain and weakness

-Joint pain and soreness

-Loss of hair

-Dry skin, eyes, mouth, hair

-Weight gain or weight loss

- Easy bruising and slow wound healing

-Temperature intolerance

-Low libido

-Ringing in the ears

-Heart palpitations

-Shortness of breath

-Metallic taste in the mouth

-Oral thrush (white tongue)

-Night sweats

- Skin rashes


-Estrogen/progesterone imbalance or decreased hormones

-Swollen and tender lymph nodes in the breast, armpit, throat, neck, or groin area

-Tingling or numbness in arms and legs

-Burning pain around the chest wall or breasts

-Cold and discolored hands and feet

-Bad body odor

-Muscle spasms


- Fever

– Heat strokes


-Frequent urination and/or chronic urinary tract infections

– Chronic neck and back pain

– Photosensitivity

-Nail changes (cracking, splitting, slow growth, etc.)

– Freckles on the skin, changes in pigmentation (darkening or white spots) or increased papules (raised flesh-colored bumps)

– Edema (swelling) around the eyes

– Premature aging

– Decreased vision or vision disturbances

– Slow muscle recovery after activity

– Liver and kidney dysfunction

– Gastrointestinal and digestive problems

– Sudden food intolerances and allergies

– Smell or chemical sensitivities

– New or persistent infections: viral, bacterial and/or fungal (candida)

– Recurrent sinus infections, yeast infections, and urinary tract infections

– Sore throat, cough, difficulty swallowing, feeling of suffocation

– Chronic inflammation

– Feeling like you are dying

– Headaches, dizziness and migraines

– Mood swings, emotional instability

– Anxiety, panic attacks

– Suicidal thoughts

- Depression

– Symptoms of hypo/hyperthyroidism

– Hypo/hyper adrenal symptoms

– Symptoms or diagnosis of fibromyalgia

– Symptoms or diagnosis of lyme

– Common autoimmune symptoms or diagnoses: rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Sjörgen’s syndrome, Raynaud’s syndrome, Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.



Detoxing helps us to reduce the toxin load in the lymphatic system, reduce inflammation, eliminate mucus, and cleanse the intestine, which helps to improve the balance of the flora. While you are waiting for your explant, cleansing and changing your diet will provide great relief from the symptoms listed above, meaning you can have a better quality of life. However, for complete relief, the explant should be performed. You should not perform a detox just before surgery, it is better to do it at least 2 months before. If you are very close to your date, you can still make changes: giving up processed foods, meats, dairy products, and flours, increasing the amount of raw fruits and vegetables. All of this makes a difference and prepares you to leave surgery and have a quick recovery and healing. This makes all the difference.


If you have already taken this step, congratulations. After the implants are removed, including the capsule, there are still residues in the body. It is normal for many of the symptoms to subside, but for some to persist. It is important to know that toxicity does not only come from the implants, but also from what you eat (colorants, chemicals, flavorings) and from what you put on your skin (beauty products and household cleaners). A detox process helps eliminate traces of silicone, toxins, heavy metals, and as a consequence, parasitic fungi and bacteria will die, since they cannot survive in an alkaline environment (alkaline and anti-inflammatory diet).

These eliminations will gradually give general relief, stress reduction and gradual elimination of the diseases that developed due to the presence of this foreign and toxic agent in the body. Your body knows how to detoxify and heal itself if you rely on a healthy diet, quality rest and sleep and a positive attitude. 

In both cases, it helps improve mental clarity and lower stress (cortisol) and fear (adrenaline) levels.


1- Consider EXPLANATION to eliminate the main source of toxemia. 

Properly explanting breast implants, meaning an En Bloc Explant/Total Capsulectomy. Removing your breast implants, which is the root of your toxicity, starts your healing process. Immediately after the explant, your body will focus on healing the surgical wounds and detoxing surgical medications such as anesthesia, antibiotics, and painkillers. About two months after surgery, your body will begin the longer process of detoxing stored chemicals, heavy metals, toxins, and infections, and healing your glands and organs over one to two years.

In the Facebook Group “Breast Implant Disease” in the Guides section you will find: Complete explanation of a proper explant and a list of surgeons who remove breast implants correctly. 

2- DETOX and DIET, respecting the correct combinations, digestion times, to cleanse the lymph with the water from fruits and vegetables and boost the immune system. Here is a table with the correct combinations to prevent food from fermenting in the stomach and feeding parasites/fungi:

We also share these additional tools to cleanse the body 

Anti-Fungal Diet: Infections do occur in women with implants and explants (the latter provided they have not cleansed their body after explant) due to immune deficiencies – post-explant some women discover fungal colonization on their saline implants and other women have had contact with mold in their environment and have CIRS, but by far the most common fungal infection in us is yeast and Candida overgrowth. Other infections that are uncommon in us are UTIs, H-pylori, SIBO, bacterial infections in capsules and root canals, mycoplasma infections, Lyme, EBV, herpes, and even parasites. 

These bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic infections caused by immune deficiencies and poor gut health due to breast implants must be eliminated for a full recovery as they contribute to our symptoms. Sometimes these infections can be detected through various tests, but not always. Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics. Mold must be treated with mold removal protocols by mold experts. 

Fungal infections, such as yeast and Candida overgrowth, are treated with antifungal diets and antifungals, whether natural or prescription. Antifungal diets and antifungals are important to combat fungus; however, our healthy gut flora and probiotics control yeast and Candida overgrowth in the long term and restoring good gut health and gut flora is one of the most important tools to combat fungus. Here is a deworming guide:

3- GREEN JUICES for extra nutrition, are a source of minerals and help balance and alkalize the body. It is important to accompany green juices with changes in diet, otherwise it would be like sweeping the house on one side and throwing garbage on the other:

It is important not to consume too much cilantro because it can begin to chelate. See the instructions and precautions when chelating or removing heavy metals.

4- Open the ELIMINATION CHANNELS so that toxins can escape. If the elimination channels do not filter well, no matter how much detox we do, the toxins move but do not come out. It is important that there is sediment in your urine (main channel), that you have bowel movements and defecations 2 to 3 times a day and that your skin can perspire:

5- Check for MTHFR GENETIC VARIANTS and support your methylation and detoxification pathways: MTHFR genetic variants can inhibit your detoxification ability, especially if left untreated. MTHFR genetic variants affect our ability to break down crucial B vitamins that support liver methylation and other important functions. MTHFR can be supplemented with some supplements such as methylfolate known as L-5-MTHF and methylB12 supplements known as methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin or hydroxocabalmin (different forms of B12 targeted to specific areas) and methylB6 known as pyridoxal-5′. 

6- HEAL YOUR GUT: Many women who have breast implants have poor digestion and irritable bowel syndrome. Some women develop allergies due to leaky gut and lose the ability to digest dairy, wheat, and other inflammatory foods. All inflammatory and allergenic foods should be eliminated from the diet to reduce inflammation and aid digestion. Collagen helps regenerate leaky gut. Check out this Irish Moss Collagen option. By eating simple foods you help your digestion to be lighter and give your digestive system a chance to regenerate.

7- Support your ENDOCRINE & IMMUNE SYSTEM: We recommend checking your cortisol levels with a pm cortisol blood test or a four point cortisol test and checking your thyroid’s free T3, T4 conversion to see if your adrenals and thyroid are functioning properly. You may need to support both your adrenals and thyroid to recover. There are several supplements that will help support your endocrine and immune system. Echinacea, Epicor, Transfer Factors Multi Immune are known to be good supplements to support the immune system as are certain mushrooms such as Reishi. Vitamin C and Zinc also support the immune system.

8- PROGESTERONE: Stimulates the natural nighttime detoxification cycle and helps balance hormones and supports the adrenals and thyroid. As silicone is an endocrine disruptor and estrogenic in nature (acts like estrogen in the body) and the toxic chemicals and heavy metals damage the thyroid and adrenals, some women experience markedly decreased hormones, hormonal imbalances and low progesterone and this is another reason why you need to undergo silicone detox.

Monitor your hormone levels and, if necessary, supplement with bioidentical hormones, especially progesterone if you have low levels, so that you feel better, heal better, and your natural detoxification cycle works as it should. If you have to supplement estrogen, avoid oral medications because they slow down the liver's detoxification cycle and cause fungi to proliferate in the intestine. The best are protocols with natural formulas to stimulate an increase in estrogen. 

9- REMINERALIZATION: Minerals are necessary for every aspect of your body and for detoxification. We suggest putting a pinch of high quality sea or Celtic salt and a couple of drops of ionic liquid minerals in each glass of water to get several minerals on a continuous basis. It can also be a splash of high quality sea water. 

10- CHELATION or removing HEAVY METALS from the Body: Only if you have an explant can you do this process, see this article to see what other precautions you need to take. It is not advisable to do a chelation while you have an IUD, Amalgams (lead-colored dental filling) or a leaking root canal treatment. Accompanying this process with the sauna helps a lot:

11- On an emotional level, work on SELF-LOVE and the connection with SELF-IMAGE. Real beauty would never hurt us. Hug ourselves, give ourselves places of self-love and care. 


If you had an explant when you started cleansing your body you will notice that the detox process increases inflammation in the body and feelings of illness over a period. Moving toxic chemicals, biotoxins and heavy metals through your body and organs will cause inflammation and detox symptoms (headaches, brain fog, negative mindset, emotionalism, back pain, joint pain, general illness, fatigue, digestive disorders) and an increase in your specific symptoms, so you should go slowly and with breaks in between the detox, but always keep your diet clean and get some exercise if possible. Breast implant detox is not a straight line, but rather an up and down process that usually lasts a year or two. 

After the explant, you will notice that certain symptoms go away, but then a few months after the explant, your body will begin the hard work of detoxing stored chemicals and heavy metals from your cells and your symptoms will wax and wane for a few months but will gradually disappear one by one. Most women feel substantially healed in about a year or two. If you don't get better over the years, you need to look at other sources of toxicity. Having such a large toxicant in your body for years creates deposits of heavy metals, toxins, bacteria, parasites and fungi in your body and an immune system that is fatigued by all that toxin, so you may get better but some aspects will take a little longer to balance out. Maybe you have a bacterial or fungal infection. Make sure you don't live or work in a moldy environment. Maybe you have mercury toxicity from your amalgam fillings. Maybe you have root canals that are producing potent bacteria that create disease in your body. Maybe you have parasites. There will be a reason you are not healing.


You are your priority, take time to live this process to “come home”, to love your body again and the feeling of freedom that comes with removing the implants and leaving behind the symptoms and discomforts.

Free information in case you want to start on your own, in this Detox FB group there are materials, videos, books. I recommend that you download the starter guide, you can post your questions and they will be answered right there.

Youtube Channel:


If you prefer a guided detoxification process, you can also count on me. Link Complete Explantation Program before or after the explantation:

For individual sessions + 30 days of support, private message. 

Blessings on our journey of transformation to health!

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

Contact: +52 1 55 1620 7310

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