Omaira (61) from Colombia participated in the January Detox, and experienced an impressive transformation process. She was able to walk more easily again, her osteoarthritis pain level decreased, she rejuvenated and lost weight. Today she can have a more active and peaceful life. Oma, we are delighted by your progress, here in your own words:

“In January I did my first detox, I didn’t know about this lifestyle, the process lasted 21 days and in the first week I started eating soups, salads and fruits. In the second, fruits, fruit juice and fasting, and in the third I increased the level a little and did intermittent fasting. I ate mint, basil, peppermint and chamomile, herbs from my garden.

When I started the physical detox I was very obese, I had high blood pressure and it was difficult for me to walk. I was diagnosed with “osteoarthritis” when I was 40 years old, and my body hurt even when my clothes touched me.

Emotionally, I felt very lonely. Now I feel more balanced and supported by myself since I live alone and recovering my health in so many aspects allows me to better maintain my independence.

I feel like I'm 10 years younger, I feel much less heavy, I lost 7 kilos. I was able to move my body again, take the bus to visit my family who live in the city, something I hadn't done for 6 months. I was also able to go on long walks in the mountains with my dog, and my blood pressure dropped to 110.

My change is very noticeable, neighbors and family were surprised to see me, they tell me that my skin looks younger and that I look much thinner. I am grateful for the well-being that they made me feel at Querido Detox and how they helped me recover. I healed a lot and in a short time. I want to continue to follow this diet in my daily life, to continue recovering.”

We are very proud of your transformation, Omaira. You did very well. Your changes are the result of your commitment and labor of love for yourself.

Blessings, love and lots of compassion

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy

PS: If you are reading this and it encouraged you to do a Detox, the next Group Detox is on March 19 (private message for more info)

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