Lila 28 years old from Argentina @pulsodevida__ did the group detox in October and tells us about her experience first hand:
I arrived at the 21-day process with a very large and painful abdominal distension. There were nights when I couldn't find a position to sleep because of the pain in my stomach. I was also tired, sleeping a lot, mentally exhausted all day. My skin was itchy.
In the process, I discovered that I have small ulcers in my stomach and I learned which foods are good for me at the moment and which ones I needed to stop consuming so as not to continue irritating my stomach. I learned how to eat, how to combine foods, how to listen to my body, how to feel myself, and how it is necessary to go through crises to achieve healing.
I was able to menstruate during the process and it was the lightest and most fluid period I have ever had. My cycle lasted 31 days when before it was lasting between 45 and 50 days.
Today, after the process, I feel clear-headed, deflated, I continue to cleanse my body and I am deeply grateful to learn that I am the food I give to my body.
Thank you Lu for so much love and support in the process of reconnecting with my body and my health. Thank you
We are proud of your progress Lila, you did excellent. And we wish that the healing continues and that you continue to shine.
We are taking individual sessions private message. Next group detox 06/01
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Blessings on our journey of transformation to health!
Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach