Pre-Explantation Detox, Breast Implant Illness
Marcel Banizi (44) Uruguay participated in one of the groups in 2021 and tells us about her transformation experience.
“I have had breast implants for 5 years. About a year and a half after getting them, I started to feel chronic fatigue, insomnia, joint pain in my hips, knees and back, pain in my right breast, numbness in my hands, mental confusion, difficulty concentrating. I am 44 years old, so I never suspected that the implants were the cause, I attributed EVERYTHING to my age. Thanks to the “Breast Implant Illness” group, I learned about implant illness and met Lu and her processes to accompany an alkaline diet. I did a detox, we ate fruits, vegetables, nuts. No flour, no dairy, no sugar, no meat. I thought that my normal diet was “healthy”, but there were other foods that I didn’t fully understand were harmful to me. The first few days of detox were the hardest, I missed my coffee, on the second day I had a tremendous healing crisis, nausea, migraines, terrible cramps, on the 3rd day only the cramps, on the 4th day MAGIC, I FELT LIKE I WAS ME AGAIN, I had energy, mental clarity, allergies disappeared, joint pain, my skin looked luminous. This process helped me feel more vital, to have more mental clarity and I understood that I want to be as healthy as possible at the time of my implant removal, I know that it is the root of my problems, and to eliminate the disease I have to eliminate the “root of evil”, and I am aware that cleansing the body before surgery will help me have a quick recovery, when I get the money together and can have the implants removed. Thank you very much for your love and support.
We hug you Marce and we are very proud of your perseverance and everything you have achieved.
Much love and compassion on your healing journey
Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach
PS: Yes, the next group session is on March 18th. We are also taking individual sessions for the first days of March.
(private message for more info)