Transition steps, how to enter and exit a detox.

The importance of making a proper transition into and out of a detox is vital. This can increase your chances of success.

This gradual change not only makes our body adapt, since toxins start to come out very suddenly and we can feel discomfort. It also gives our mind a chance to break beliefs and patterns little by little (I can't, it's very
difficult, I'm going to go hungry even if this isn't true!)


✔️Remove dairy, processed foods and meats
✔️Increase fruit and vegetables with some things
✔️Then start with everything raw

✔️Including nuts, seeds and avocado

This can last for a week, and then you can switch to just fruit or juices (depending on your diet today).

If you eat processed (packaged) foods, meats, dairy and alcohol, it is best to go all raw for a while. Listen to your body, how it is feeling.


The opposite is done for a week, adding slightly denser foods. We cannot come out of a Detox and have a pizza or a hamburger, it would be a shock for the body.

✔️Listening to your body is key, keeping a journal

What have been your experiences?

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