Chronic constipation is the worst and most common crime against life and humanity, a crime committed unconsciously and whose full enormity has not yet been fully understood.

This is believed to be one of the main factors in all physical and mental illnesses. The life of man and the extent of his mental and spiritual abilities are largely influenced by the state of the digestive tract.

It is certainly very important that the brain and nerves are supplied with pure blood and not dependent on blood contaminated with impurities arising from a digestive tract clogged with feces, mucoid plaque, parasites, fungi and mucus.

The absorption of these toxins back into circulation cannot help cause all diseases.

Recent treatment of intestinal bleeding in typhoid fever has shown that it is caused by larvae and worms eating into the sensitive membrane and puncturing a vein or artery.

Cleanse your intestine and regain your energy, lightness and health.


You probably finished reading this feeling a bit shocked. And now?

1- Eat more fruit!! And raw vegetables, also juices. That's where true hydration comes in to activate the intestines.

2- Enemas at home 2 times a week (without overdoing it) Indications Here

3- Herbal Formulas:


A- Cascara Sagrada It has compounds that stimulate the intestine and have a laxative effect.

B- Intestinal broom


83 Gr Psyllium husk powder

6 Gr Activated carbon

11 Gr Bentonite clay or green clay


This powder, prepared and mixed, is left in a glass jar in a dry, cool place.

Dosage: Put 1 teaspoon of tea in a small glass of water at night before going to sleep, at least two hours after the last digestion. Discontinue if constipation occurs. Use every day during the Detox and otherwise for maintenance 1/2 a week. Always use glass or ceramic and a wooden or plastic spoon, never metal, since the clay loses its properties.


Psyllium expands up to 60 times its volume, has a powerful binding power that safely draws toxins and waste from the digestive tract. The clay acts as a magnet with negative and positive ions so that everything that needs to come out is “magnetized” and stuck to the psyllium. Activated charcoal makes toxic substances harmless.

The intestinal broom is a great accompaniment to the cleaning of this elimination channel that is the intestines. It helps to remove mucoid plaque more quickly. It is especially recommended during chelation processes so that heavy metals are released protected without causing harm in their path.

For best results, it is accompanied by a fruit-only diet, mono-fruit diet, juice fasting or raw food diet. Accompanied by enemas. Instructions for doing enema at home:…/

C- Aloe Vera

It helps move the intestine in case of constipation since it lubricates the stool. Cut the aloe leaf from the plant and leave it in water for 24 hours to eliminate the aloin, a yellow substance from the plant that can cause irritation when consumed. Then remove the sage and take it alone or add it to a juice or smoothie.

4- colon cleansing (1 or 2 times a year)

Cleanse your body, do a detox, maintain it! 💜🙏


I invite you this 9/1 to our 21-day Group Detox: RESET

New year, new health. This is your chance. You choose how you want to feel. Starting the year off on the right foot by taking control of your health, your diet and your overall self is possible.

This time with a special discount PURCHASE THE PROGRAM BEFORE 12/31 and we will apply a 10 % discount.

Get it here:

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