Excessive obsession with food is a need for love.

If you are not loved properly, you will eat more. If you are loved and can love, you will eat less. When someone loves you, you cannot eat more, you feel full and satisfied. 

Love fills you so much that you don't feel empty. When there is no love, you feel empty; you have to gobble something up: you stuff yourself with food to feel full. 

So you can keep changing foods, eat this, eat that, don't eat this, but it doesn't matter, because the basic root is still there. 

So if you stop bingeing on food, you will start binging on something else. And there are many ways. If you stop overeating, you may start hoarding money, smoking, drinking, etc., but that compulsive attitude will carry over into another action, until it is healed from the root. 

Then too you have to fill yourself with something. When you are loved there is no insecurity; with love fear disappears.

With love there is no future, there is no past. This moment is enough, this very moment is eternity. You are accepted. There is no anxiety about the future, about what will happen tomorrow: there is no tomorrow in love.

There is no state of survival that leads you to accumulate something to “ensure” comfort. 

Article from Natural Thanatology adapted by Lu del Mar 


Blessings on our journey of transformation to health!

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach


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