«The hygienic opinion remains the usual one.
Allopathic medicine and drugs are more bankrupt than ever in the field of health restoration.
It is referred to as "failure" to be unable to: purify the blood.
to normalize circulation.
to restore good digestion-assimilation of food,
which is the only way to health.
It is therefore necessary to leave aside the symptoms and go decisively to the heart of the problem,
or the causes
By acting on the causes, the problem is definitely deflated and the subject's system is rebalanced, that is, self-healing.
Fibromyalgia is not a strange or random pathology that suddenly appears between the head and neck,
️ but
️logical consequence of dietary-behavioral errors, and above all the logical consequence of the treatments that have been prescribed.
Basically we are talking about lymphatic laziness,
of metabolic slowdown,
poor water exchange,
of poor expulsion of endotoxins.
One of the basic problems of all diseases and of all human suffering without exception is THE INADEQUATE BLOOD FORMULA
where our approximately 6 liters of precious red liquid move, all too often with considerable effort,
from our hearts.
This fatigue arises from the fact that we have ALTERED and FAILED blood, full of FATS, TOXIC material and excessive VISCOSITY.
️ We make blood for ourselves day by day through our food choices.
It will be HEALTHY and blood will flow when our foods are:
light (photosynthesis)
sober and simple
innocent (without death)
vital (alive, uncooked)
or DEFECTIVE IN BLOOD and otherwise contaminated.Thus determining the digestive phase that should be
️free of difficulties, delays, gaps and high energy-digestive-enzymatic costs.
Even more important are the 13-15 liters of lymph destined for intimate contact with the cellular system both in the purifying phase (see rapid elimination of internal waste) and in the nutritional phase (see supply of oxygen and micronutrients).
️ LYMPHA must pass rapidly over an infinite network of tiny capillaries, veins and arterioles, 100,000 km long, to serve 100 trillion cells
Lymph does not move directly from the heart,
️ but if of the calves of the legs, that is, of the muscles.
Hence the importance of daily movement,
regular walks, swimming,
from sun exposure when the weather permits. Hence the fundamental importance of overcoming LYMPHATIC SLACK or fibromyalgia.
The first thing you should do is
the elimination of drugs, in a progressive and sustainable manner, coupled with
radical modification of the diet.
Aim strongly for VITAL and VIBRANT foods, located at the high points of the Simoneton scale,
personalizing everything with criteria of satisfaction and trust.
The insertion of raw foods should be done through
fresh carrot, celery and pineapple juices and
cabbage juices,
complete with vegetable soups, mashed sweet potatoes, quinoa, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.
Caring for grapes can work wonders, but you need to do it step by step, for example after 2 weeks of raw food.
In the cold season, therefore, adopt a diet rich in
raw artichokes,
raw fennel and
raw tarassaco, as well as
roots and lettuce.
Fast wouldn't be bad either, but preparation and gradualness are also needed here.
Since your body is highly saturated with toxins, you will have to expect beneficial but annoying elimination crises, starting with improving your diet.
In these cases it is necessary to understand that it is a constructive phenomenon of expelling poisons and therefore it is necessary to grit one's teeth and endure it all.
️ Finally, it is very important to avoid anxiety and panic
Even in the face of the risk of falls or worsening of multiple sclerosis, it is not time to give up.There are a multitude of people who have recovered from both fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis,
Simply by avoiding drugs and believing firmly and constantly in your formidable inner resources.
In the end the pulse and heart rate will be 70 beats per minute,
health will reappear,
intestinal functions will be normalized,
Excrement will be regular and free of unhealthy odors,
Body temperature will be homogeneous on the external surface and in the internal mucous membranes,
the breathing rhythm will be regular and deep,
Appetite, sleep and strength will return,
the tongue will be clean
The expression on the face will be happy and calm, and will no longer be a mask of tension and pain.
Headaches and muscle aches will become a thing of the past.
The diet should focus on raw vegetables and fruits, rich in organic water.
You can find the guidelines in Valdiano Food.
In the case of fibromyalgia, the diet should be personalized, including foods rich in MAGNESIUM that promote natural sleep, with apples, lemons, apricots, bananas, figs, peaches, nuts, alfalfa, buckwheat, valerian or sweets, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, oilseeds, wheat germ, raw honey, tangerines.
MALIC ACID will also be essential, which you can include in your diet by eating at least a couple of apples a day.
The only desserts allowed will be dates, raisins, dried figs, dried persimmons, chestnuts with raisins and dates, sugar-free apple strudel, sweetened with raisins, dates or dried figs.
The only suggested drinks will be fresh citrus juices, lemon juice diluted with water, fresh juices of carrots, celery, turnips, pineapple, apples, Jerusalem artichokes, yams, with the provision of following the basic rules of juicing.
Maximize your intake of foods rich in TRYPTOPHAN, a precursor of serotonin. Rhodiola and ashwagandha, with their adaptogenic properties, help the body respond better to stress, anxiety, fatigue and hormonal imbalances typical of fibromyalgia.
Foods containing melatonin, the sleep hormone, are equally important. We find melatonin in:
BananaThe hours of sleep we need to feel refreshed and fit vary widely.
A motivated vegan person, who is also in good physical and mental shape, may need a few hours of sleep between 5 and 8 hours, while meat eaters need at least 8-9 hours.
Carnivorous animals reserve many more hours for sleep than vegan animals.
To sleep better it is advisable to respect the CIRCADIAN metabolic CYCLES, possibly eating frugivores from 4am to 12pm (ELIMINATIVE cycle),
eating basically raw vegan food from 12-8pm (PROPER or nutritional cycle),
and not eat from 8 pm to 4 am (ASSIMILATIVE cycle). Finally, a radical elimination of nervous drinks and all types of drugs is necessary.
Always sleep with the window ajar to change the air at night.
If possible, sleep with your head facing magnetic north.
Salt and sodium glutamate,
salty foods of all kinds (the organic sodium in raw vegetables like celery is great).
Fats and margarines of all kinds (but the good fats found in avocados, seeds and nuts are excellent).
Industrial sugars (sucrose),
Saccharin, aspartame, in all their forms, in all sweets and in all drinks, including pasteurized fruit juices (fruit sugar in its natural state has no contraindications).
Caffeine and theine in all their forms
Black and green tea
Meats of all kinds, for cadaverine and putrescine, for nitrates and nitrites, for the uric acids they contain
all deadly substances, which acidify, cause leukocytosis and dilate blood vessels.
Cheeses, dairy products, chocolate, roasted nuts (contain hypertensive tyramines).
Smoking and nicotine.
It is essential to stay active, carrying out normal daily activities without limitations, avoiding prolonged periods of inactivity and maintaining good posture, as this would risk increasing muscle stiffness and pain.
Exercise is also essential for good mood and to counteract stress. Therefore, maintain a constant level of physical activity, but always moderate.
The best and most sustainable sport will be the daily one
walking in green and wooded areas, even with the help of two snowshoes as is done with trekking, combined with a diaphragmatic and abdominal breathing rhythm, with inhalation with retention 4 times and exhalation 2 times, that is, at the preferable rhythm 1-4-2 (seconds to count mentally) and multiple.
When exhaling, he puffs hard like a locomotive,
This allows you to empty yourself properly and better stimulate the next inhalation phase.
Other beneficial activities include yoga and bodyweight exercises, especially in water, as well as stationary bikes and Pilates at the gym.
Muscle activity requires calcium, potassium and magnesium, all alkaline minerals that are best found in CHLOROPHYLL from the plant world, i.e. in fresh juices, fruits and raw vegetables.
️which is in the impeccable panacea that represents the raw vegan diet
Each exercise and walk will be followed by a few minutes of relaxation, stretching, stretching.
It is important to remember that whenever a muscle is used repeatedly, it becomes stressed and injured, so it needs 48 hours to heal.
OTHER NATURAL REMEDIESHeliotherapy and hydrotherapy, with alternating use of hot and cold water, to restore the elasticity of the veins.
Frequent baths in the genital area, as they provide important bodily benefits and reduce blood flow to the brain area.
Massages and physiotherapy are other positive activities. Maintaining a good posture (straight back, shoulders back, chin slightly raised) contributes to a feeling of well-being and self-confidence, thanks to increased serotonin production.
Another factor to take into account, as it can greatly affect the disease, is the possible presence of INTESTINAL PARASITES,
to contrast with pumpkin seeds, garlic and onion, spicy radishes and turnips, cinnamon, chilli, cloves, ginger, aloe, cinnamon and turmeric.
️You need to avoid constipation and pay attention to the intestinal flora
Edited text from Valdo Vaccaro's essay
Much love and compassion on our healing journeys
Lu Del Mar- Regenerative Alchemy