Thanks to Pachamama for all her fruits and abundance
Having a garden is an act of rebellion and freedom, it is like printing money outside the system.
It is my dream to be self-sustaining and off grid, to get a piece of land, to create a community that is ecological, sustainable and conscious.
Anyone else dream about this?
I think there are several of us crazy dreamers 🤪 🤩💗
Happy Sunday!
Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach
Next Group Challenge is September 11th (7-21 days)
#raw #crudi #crudivegan #plantbased #fruits #drmorse #Detoxemocional 1TP5Livingfeeding #detox #depuration #detoxification #fruit #fruitslife #higienism #vegan #higienevital #higienism #naturism #vegetarian #transition #health #amorpropio #selfcare #vegan #alcaline