1- It is not a straight path, there are many ups and downs, mistakes and learnings. Be very patient and compassionate. 💜. Years of damage to the body are not undone in just days.

2- Don't compare yourself, not everyone is at the same level. Maybe someone started the detox with a higher or lower level of toxicity.

3- Everything passes, there is no evil that lasts a hundred years. If today you are going through a dark or painful moment, have faith and hope that you will get out of this, like the Phoenix that rises from the ashes.

4- Fruit bares your soul, it brings everything to the surface! Emotions are an important part of the process, when you stop running away even if it hurts and you live with them, you come out stronger. You don't have to stay there to live there, but rather bring awareness of what happened and close that chapter.

5- People and situations that are toxic start to disappear from your life when you start to change and love yourself more. It's okay for this to happen. You're not alone, you haven't found your new tribe yet, the one that has more to do with your new version. They will appear!

6- It is normal to be afraid, it feels like jumping into the void. Yes, this lifestyle can be very different, but it is worth it. Once you start to feel good and vibrate high, all this dissipates.

7- Gratitude and recognition of each step, each progress is a reason to celebrate and be thankful. Do not look so much at what is still missing from the lack.

8 – Be clear about your health goals, otherwise you are adrift. With this clarity you can visualize and manifest your new reality.

9- Your relationship with your body improves, you learn to listen to it and understand what it needs and what it doesn't, you respect it, you take care of it, you love it, with all its imperfections.

10- Guilt and shame are of no use. For not following everything to the letter, falling down only to get back up after eating something that gave me a few seconds of pleasure and took me out of the Detox. Lots of love, forgiveness and compassion to keep going!

11- There is no magic solution, this is not an easy fix or a magic pill, it is a constant labor of love, little by little, it will not be fast but it becomes permanent. Something deep inside changes and there is no turning back.

What lessons have you learned on your healing and detoxification journey? 😊🙏

I'm reading you! If you want to join the next September 11th Group Challenge you can write to me or for an individual session. Much Love and Compassion 💜

Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy

Next Group Challenge is September 11th (7-21 days)

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