With traditional diets, a series of symptoms develop in the average person. All of them are related to digestive problems, stagnation, poisoning, inflammation and the presence of pathogens due to the same toxins that do not come out.
Below we leave you a list of the most common symptoms and the reasons why doing a detox helps to heal them. Below I mention some ↓
1- CONSTIPATION: It is not normal to go to the bathroom once or less per day. This is chronic constipation. You should go to the bathroom after every meal, as there is always something that the body cannot use.
2- KIDNEY PROBLEMS: With a traditional diet, the kidneys usually become filled with sand and sometimes also with stones, due to the excess consumption of proteins. The excess of bacteria that is showing up in many parts of the body is also seen in the bladder and is expressed in the form of urinary infections.
3- DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS: Inflammation, hardness, acidity, reflux, etc.
It is normal that eating very acidic and difficult to digest foods can put the stomach at risk.
4- RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS: Mucus, allergies, frequent colds, viruses, bacteria, etc.
A mucus-forming diet greatly affects the nose and lungs, especially if we consume dairy products and derivatives, which are very mucus-forming and precursors of allergies and asthma.
5- SKIN PROBLEMS: Spots, acne, rosacea, allergies, fungi, viruses, etc.
The skin, along with the lungs, intestines and kidneys, are a route of elimination. Excess toxins inside will want to be eliminated through this route, especially if the kidneys and intestines do not filter toxins well to the outside.
This is why it is so important to do a detox, which is simply cleaning the lymphatic system and opening the elimination organs to eliminate excess toxins, water retention and fat. This is achieved through live foods, full of water and fiber such as fruits and vegetables, herbs and other tools that support this elimination such as enemas, brushing, massages, gentle exercises, etc.
In summer, detoxing is much easier. The heat is acidic and our body simply calls for alkalizing and consuming foods full of water, such as fruits and vegetables. But in winter, things feel more difficult. The climate is alkaline and we want warm things.
If we come from an acidic diet, with excess of refined, processed, cooked, fried, etc. foods, the body will have symptoms and will be inflamed. Therefore, we already know that it is time to cleanse and start having good habits. It is not necessary to wait until summer to start cleaning and helping the body. Because it needs support now. And stop taking in more of that which does NOT help you.
● Fruits at room temperature
● Warm raw soups
● Infusions
● Be well wrapped up
● Gentle exercise to activate lymph and circulation
After cleansing your body and continuing with good habits, your body temperature changes a lot. The thyroid glands that regulate this are balanced. Also, if after recovering your health you start exercising, your body gains even more balance at this level and eating raw food in winter is natural for you. Step by step. First you have to cleanse, then balance.
Even if we live in the best of conditions, there will always be other factors, which is why cleaning our house (body) is necessary to have good health. There is no disease on the alkaline side, but there is on the acid side.
● Alkalizes the body and restores the natural state of the organism
● Moves the lymphatic system and carries waste to the elimination channels
● It gives the elimination organs a rest, which allows them to reduce inflammation and eliminate toxins better over time.
Strengthens the immune system, as it stops having daily battles with so many toxins
● Parasites, fungi and bacteria are eliminated as the body is cleansed and these beings can no longer survive in an alkaline house
● Reduces the constant release of cortisol, which reduces stress
It reduces inflammation in the body since we stop eating acidic foods that cause inflammation.
● Reduces fluid retention
● Fat reserves are used and weight is lost since foods that retain fat are not consumed
● The cells are hydrated, the internal fire goes down and there is no longer so much thirst due to this systemic dehydration
● Digestion improves because we combine foods well and this allows compatibility of digestive enzymes and foods
Abdominal bloating and gas decrease, and bowel movements improve and daily bowel movements increase.
● The kidneys begin to filter more toxins
● The skin is hydrated and its appearance improves
● Mental clarity, fewer voices with cravings for unhealthy foods (due to the elimination of parasites)
● Limiting thoughts and emotions that you previously covered up with food come to light
● Little by little the mind, body, emotions are cleansed
And so on. It's up to you to take charge of your health and start seeing changes. If you're looking to make changes and learn how to maintain your health naturally, I invite you to our next group detox "GOODBYE TOXINS" that starts on 6/20. WE HAVE only one last 2X1 to join with a family member or friend, you still have time. Send me a message and I'll tell you a little more ✆
Whatsapp: +52 55 1620 7310
Watch the program with everything it includes
For individual sessions private message
Much love and compassion on your healing journey
Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach
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