A disease characterized by profound fatigue, sleep abnormalities, pain, and other symptoms that worsen with exertion. Below we mention some of them; some symptoms may appear and others may not. 

Chronic fatigue syndrome occurs more frequently in women. The cause of this disease is related to hormonal issues (adrenal), poor eating habits, lack of rest and environmental circumstances. 


  • Constant tiredness
  • Extreme exhaustion after physical or mental exercise
  • Lack of motivation and tendency to depression 
  • Memory or reasoning problems.
  • Dizziness that gets worse when moving from lying down or sitting to standing.
  • Muscle or joint pain.
  • Unrefreshing sleep/ Trouble sleeping
  • Slow digestions 
  • Headache in some cases
  • Photosensitivity
  • Sensitivity to odors


The exact cause of chronic fatigue is traditionally unknown. However, it is believed to be multifactorial. 

1- It can develop after viral or bacterial infection. 

2- Post physical or emotional trauma: Some people have indicated that they had an injury, surgery, or significant emotional stress shortly before symptoms began.

3- Genetic inheritance: Genetics will always influence us, or make us prone to, but our habits are what determine everything. If we activate the good genes or the harmful ones. 

4- Bad habits, poor diet, addictions

5- Hormonal problems such as thyroid and adrenal problems 

6- Obesity and sedentary lifestyle 

Where does the body's energy come from? 

  • The cells in your body work by generating ATP from the food you eat.
  • Air
  • Water
  • Sun 


1- Inadequate diet: Low in fiber and water (fruits and vegetables), high in meat (adrenaline stimulants that then generate fatigue and super heavy digestions) and derivatives, processed, fried, fermented, gluten, etc. Highly inflammatory and mucus-forming foods. And elimination channels stagnated by years of autointoxication.

Emotional hunger: Where we eat inappropriately and enter a cycle that is difficult to escape

2- Dehumanized behavior: Bad temper, accumulation of anger, rage, sadness, euphoria within the body due to imbalance in nutrition and the mental and emotional body. Includes unhealed traumas. 

3- Exposure to toxins through cleaning and beauty products

4- Constant exposure to toxins from medications/ toxins

5- Living in contradiction with natural laws like the city with all its toxic load, pollution, bases, etc. 

6- Constant exposure to acute mental and emotional stress, due to overwork, toxic relationships, etc. 

How to recover vital energy? 

Detoxifying the body. Releasing toxins and purging excesses. Returning to real energy away from artificial stimulants. Regulating normal hormonal and glandular functioning. Regulating metabolism. There is no magic pill. Nor is there any artificial stimulant that will sustain us for long. Sooner or later the glands and hormones will collapse and become hypoactive due to so much overstimulation. First we go through the detoxification crisis and normalization of hormonal functioning, then the energy is balanced and we return with much more energy than before. 

Working with lack of energy or fatigue during detoxification

Discontinuing all stimulant foods can lead to major weight loss.

energy. This is especially true if a person has a thyroid or glands

underactive adrenals. These are your energy glands, which are weakened by

acidosis and toxicity. Stimulating foods actually have a negative effect on these glands making them weaker rather than stronger. Stimulating

constant use of coffee, tea, etc., hides this fact from you. 

Most of our energy throughout our lives comes from stimulated cellular activity. Energy must be dynamic, not stimulated (coffee, meats and stimulants) or nervous energy, which would be like paying with a credit card, the body charges you with interest later. So by nourishing ourselves with living foods and in nature we recharge ourselves at a cellular level and have that energy available in "cash." 

Drink 3 to 6.10 ounce glasses of juice

of carrot, spinach and celery a day will help increase energy levels. Eating

as much fresh, ripe fruit as possible will help. Panax Ginseng extract,

Royal jelly, alfalfa, barley greens complex and/or a superfood complex

well balanced will also help boost energy levels. (See Guide

of resources to know where to find the best superfood blends). The

Rest and time are also excellent healers.

Source: Dr Morse Book, The Miraculous Detoxification. Download it for free here

Lots of love and compassion

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

Ps: Next group session JUNE 23 “RAISE YOUR VITAL ENERGY” We will work on recovering, cultivating and raising our energy. Distinguishing allies from enemies for our health and vitality 🍉🍓🌸 Watch the full program

For individual sessions with 30-day follow-up, please send a private message. See the individual program here

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