Evaluation Form

Complete the health form, do it 2-3 days in advance since it may take time to obtain all the data, once completed, notify your coach.


Please respond in the best way you can. If you don't know something, you can write NA or 00. Based on this information, we will give you feedback with super valuable recommendations.

These 3 facts are super important

1- Take a sample of my urine

Place the first urine of the morning in a glass jar and let it sit for 8-12 hours. If there is filtration, you will see a white cloud and it means that the kidneys are filtering. If the urine is clear (regardless of the color) it means that you are not filtering yet. How do I increase my kidney filtration? Here

2-Basal temperature

Take your temperature first thing in the morning. You wake up, wait 5 minutes in bed, then take it and write it down. Put the thermometer under your arm to take the measurements. This helps us see thyroid function and hormonal function.

3- Blood pressure

It is necessary that it be from both arms, the numbers above and below help us to see the state of your kidneys and adrenals. It can be taken with the arm or wrist blood pressure device. You can go to a pharmacy to have it taken.

READY! Remember to let us know when you complete it, thank you very much

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