If you are a very “emotional” person, the cause may be a hormonal imbalance. Just as your mind and emotions affect the release of one hormone or another, your hormones also have an impact on your mood and emotional state. So the million-dollar question would be how to get out of this vicious circle. The answer is simple and complex at the same time: balance your endocrine system, eliminate disruptors from your diet, use herbs to strengthen and regulate, rest well, eat well and manage your emotions.

The natural way works excellently and can be reversed at the root. It may not be as fast as the magic pill that fixes something on one side and breaks it on the other, however, in weeks you already notice the difference, in months several symptoms are reversed and after a year you see radical changes. It is not magic, it is simply your biology acting in your favor, when you change its conditions and make them favorable.

Hormones are very powerful substances that produce very intense effects in small amounts. They are also selective, as they have specific and limited functions. These two characteristics help explain why we feel so “out of control” when hormonal conditions are not right. When we have emotions and thoughts that we have not worked through, it affects our hormones and when there are hormonal imbalances, the body shows symptoms. 


  • Consumption of products of ANIMAL origin, dairy products especially cheese, eggs and tipi type meats, are a hormone bomb from another animal that when entering the body creates an imbalance. You don't notice it until you stop. ADRENALINE, from the death of the animal is the main cause of damage to our adrenal glands, we go into survival mode with a sense of false energy. When you stop consuming these, you feel a temporary dip or drop, while your adrenal glands become stronger again. It is mega important if you have tumors, cysts or canines that you stop these foods that feed growth or accelerate it. If you have peri/menopausal, thyroid, chronic fatigue, post-traumatic stress problems.
  • STRESS, so normalized in our daily lives, being in a state of constant alertness, especially in work situations. Stress causes enormous damage due to excess CORTISOL in your entire body, but especially in your glandular system, because you are constantly secreting cortisol that acidifies you (a hormone with negative pH), makes you sick and degenerates. If you are choosing to sell your health today in exchange for money, later when you are not healthy, you will not have money either. Choose wisely places with low stress, it is your blood, your life and your health. https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/glandulas-suprarrenales-y-sistema-nervioso/
  • Lack of SLEEP or a good REST is another factor that damages the correct production of hormones, the regenerative process of the body. During the night is when deep cleansing and regeneration takes place. If it is not present, you will not only get sick but also a degenerative process will begin.
  • Consumption of STIMULANTS, such as tea, coffee, mate and energy drinks, once again activate the adrenal glands and, consequently, the entire endocrine system.
  • Hormonal disruptors such as cleaning, beauty and personal care products that contain parabens and petroleum derivatives, inert minerals. It is better to replace them with natural products without so many chemicals. BPA is a petroleum derivative also found in plastic containers, avoid this material whenever you can, opting for glass, stainless steel, ceramic etc. This also includes synthetic clothing.
  • Lack of NATURE and alienation, being locked up all the time breathing stale air. The ideal would be to move to the countryside, but if that is not possible, go for a walk in a park or square, near trees, it helps lower cortisol and adrenaline, it reduces inflammation. Take a sunbath, breathe deeply and consciously. This therapy is free and very effective.
  • Exercise and move regularly, depending on your health level. If you can't move much yet, walk daily, go shopping, walk the dog, clean the house, etc., all count as exercise throughout your week. If you have energy, you can choose strength training (more important than cardio) to strengthen your muscles. This helps release more dopamine, serotonin, the happiness hormones, and puts you in a good mood. 
  • Eat an ALKALINE and anti-inflammatory diet. This prevents many imbalances in the body and prevents you from having to resort to medications that then generate hormonal imbalances. https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/masterclass-gratuita-alimentacion-alcalina-y-antiblanquea/
  • Activities that release HAPPINESS hormones, singing, dancing, grounding, sexuality with your partner, healthy gatherings with friends (prepare healthy food to share), meditation, breathing exercises. Ask yourself what makes you happy today, do more of that. https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/las-hormonas-de-la-felicidad/
  • Intermittent fasting regulates hormones and metabolism https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/el-poder-del-ayuno-intermitente/
  • Take care of your emotions, allow yourself to feel them instead of avoiding or repressing them, especially those that feel uncomfortable and make you want to run away. Here are some articles to go deeper into this:


  • Herbal Support to Regulate the Endocrine System and Some of the Symptoms
    • Vitex helps regulate the uterus and its cycles, fibroids, cysts
    • Licorice root, helps strengthen the adrenal glands when they are weak or there is chronic fatigue (only taken if there is low blood pressure)
    • Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that helps regulate stress response, gives energy when the body needs it and relaxes you when required.
    • Ginseng is a tonic for the mind and helps regulate estrogen
    • Relaxing herbs such as lavender, valerian, chamomile, linden and passionflower help calm the nerves and get out of survival mode.
    • Wild Yam Helps With Menopausal Hot Flashes
    • Turmeric is not only anti-inflammatory but also a hormonal regulator.

You've probably read this far and thought, "I have to do all this." It seems like a lot, but when you change, not only do your hormones and emotions become balanced, but so does your health. Your life changes, joy, tranquility, and peace return. See it as an investment in yourself. If you think you don't have time for your health, the question would be, what are you prioritizing if you don't prioritize yourself? Here are some tips on how to manage these changes. https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/carcel-de-malos-habitos-como-liberarse/

Next Group Detox November 17th BALANCE YOUR HEALTH 

Solve these health issues that you have pending now, changing your diet is the key and acquiring new habits! We will accompany you for 21 days in this way:

● Daily, close, personalized, loving and compassionate support

● Written and personalized feedback with recommendations to improve your health

● Workshops, cooking classes, masterclasses, live and recorded

● Daily meditations and exercises for Self-Observation

● Yoga classes 3 times a week

● Recipe books (hundreds of recipes) and shopping lists


$2,222 Mexican pesos (approximately 132 dollars value according to the conversion) / $33,000 Argentine pesos until 1/11 inclusive, then $44,000 Argentine pesos. We have payment plans and scholarships (partial and total)

WATCH THE FULL PROGRAM:  https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/producto/detox-grupal/

For Individual Sessions with 30-day follow-up https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/producto/detox-individual-con-plan-personalizado/

WhatsApp contact for personalized or group support +52 1 55 1620 7310


Whatsapp group for free consultations that is open for questions


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