The accumulation of feces in the intestine and its consequences.

Under normal conditions, food is processed by a balanced intestinal flora (where there is neither diarrhea nor constipation) through a complex series of enzymatic processes.

The thin mucosa that lines the intestines operates as an "intelligent" barrier responsible for protecting us.

The intestinal mucosa allows only those micromolecules that are correctly broken down and ready to be used by the liver to pass into the bloodstream.

Under such circumstances, undigested macromolecules continue their course and are evacuated as fecal matter.
Very simple: food nourishes and does not contaminate.

The problem begins when the food we eat is not adapted to our physiology. Then the digestion of food is insufficient, the flora becomes unbalanced, putrefaction, inflammation, slowing of the food bolus occur and, above all, the intestinal mucosa becomes more permeable.

This increase in permeability allows a large amount of food and bacterial macromolecules to easily pass through the thin intestinal mucosa.

In this way, an avalanche of undesirable substances quickly enters the bloodstream, causing serious subsequent problems, such as liver collapse and the immune system being "overwhelmed". This causes problems with immunity, which is our main barrier to external pathogens.

Food that is not processed in a timely manner will obviously generate fermentation and putrefaction, with the consequent production of toxic waste. This increases the reabsorption of harmful substances. And as we mentioned above, a state of generalized toxemia.

It is important to know our body, to understand what nourishes and intoxicates us, to make decisions based on health and love.

With much love and compassion on our healing paths 🙏💜

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

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