Martha Calderón participated in the 26/7 detox and experienced beautiful changes. She tells us about her experience first hand:
«I loved it! All of your attention, your willingness. I think that it has allowed me to cope better because I was already making changes. Which helped me a lot for the process with Alchemy and above all my willingness to truly have a change. During these changes I had asthma and I managed to cure it.
Before the Detox I always felt very bloated in general. Mentally I felt irritable and lacking energy. During the Detox I felt great. I felt like I was having a total renewal.
I feel less deflated, the meditations helped me a lot and I feel more energetic. I also improved my asthma problem in a surprising way.
I learned to value myself more and be more focused.
I highly recommend this Detox as it is a journey into our interior and helps us recover from within. I believe that this is how our work should be from the inside out.
I have worked for the pharmaceutical industry for more than 16 years and have worked for many years. I am convinced, and because I have seen it in different positions, that it is a mafia and they have anesthetized humanity together with the food industry. But well, I am doing my part for my well-being and that of my family. It is difficult with the children and the husband, but the example is the example! Today I declare that I am not a person with asthma. I am currently studying a second career, which is that of a homeopathic doctor, and I am convinced that alternative medicine is the best.
I am infinitely grateful to them and I am so happy that I can adopt this way of life without any problem. Because it is a great satisfaction to feel good in body, mind and soul.
If you want to learn how to take care of your body naturally, reverse symptoms of discomfort, improve your energy, health and improve your habits, join the next MUJER VITAL Group Detox https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/detox-grupal/
You can send me a message if you want more information.
Contact: 55 1620 7310
Herbal Medicine Sales: Shipping to all of Mexico. https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/tienda
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Lu Del Mar – Health & Detox Coach, Herbalist and Alchemist