CLASS INFORMATION (↓↓↓The video is at the bottom of the page ↓↓↓)
This class is for you if you have hormonal issues, painful cycles, fibroids, cysts, and are looking for a natural alternative to improve your feminine health. Yes, you can heal naturally without having to resort to chemicals to calm pain and symptoms. RConnect with the power of medicinal foods, herbal medicine and natural tools that really work.
In this free 1hr class we will share basic and free but very important information with you. If you want to go deeper we will have a more in-depth Masterclass on 11/15 or you can join the Vital Woman group detox that starts on 11/7/24 (details below).
In the class we mentioned other additional days so you can see them from our YouTube channel: Hormonal Health Masterclass and that of Alkaline and Anti-inflammatory Diet (click on the name of each class and it will take you to them)
THANK YOU!!! to all the women who participated in the class. I hope it was useful. If you liked the way you support us, share this information with anyone who might find it useful to reach more women. This is the link to share. https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/masterclassutero/
If you want to do a deeper class on 11/15/24 we will have a Complete Uterus Healing Masterclass ($330 / 20 usd) we will announce it in our Masterclass Whatsapp Group, there we only spread our classes, live broadcasts, publications (it is not open to comments), enter HERE
7/11 DETOX VITAL WOMAN Join us to live an experience of profound transformation, we will cleanse the physical, mental-emotional and energetic body with live foods, herbs, meditations, dance, workshops, classes. Led by Lu Del Mar and other therapists, link to the program https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/detox-grupal/
CONSULTATIONS AND SUPPORT Contact us by whatsapp, click HERE or +525516207310
Blessings on your journey back to health
Lu Del Mar
Health & Detox Coach of Regenerative Alchemy