It is a liver cleansing protocol, a pre-consultation evaluation is done, during the consultation the state of all the organs and glands is evaluated, based on this an action plan is created, detox 1st week of transition, second week of deeper Detox and apple juice & liver cleansing and 3rd week of transition.

It is very important that this protocol is accompanied by changes in diet (plant-based, high in raw fruits and vegetables) and supervision.

✖️No fatty foods
✖️No dairy, processed or animal products
✖️Don't swallow your anger
✖️No alcohol (dehydrates and poisons)
✔️ Yes, a live diet of fruits and vegetables
✔️ Yes, channel anger and manage it
✔️ Hydrate the body
✔️ Herbs: Milk thistle, chanca piedra

STEP BY STEP (revised protocol)

*You can find the original in Andrea Moritz's book Liver Cleanse:

Day 1-5:
Take 500-1000 ml of apple juice per day (Monday to Friday)
Day 5:
Do enema in the morning.
Eat the apple and food as usual
At 3pm in the afternoon you don't eat anymore (drink tea or water)
At 7pm take 200ml of extra virgin cold pressed organic olive oil and 200ml of grapefruit juice. (the oil can be warmed) And alternate between the oil and the grapefruit. If you gag, stop and take slow, deep breaths. ***Take as much as you can, even if you can't finish it all.**
At 9pm I go to sleep (walk carefully and sleep semi-inclined with 3 pillows under my head)
Day 6
An enema is given first thing the next morning.
The stool is passed through a large plastic strainer to see if there are any stones.
Surely more will come out in the other depositions.
On day 6, return to the usual Detox level.

It is important to rest a lot on day 6, since the body has made a great effort.

Blessings 💜🙏

Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

PS: Next group 11/20, for individual sessions private message
#higienism #live food #cleaning #liverwort #debugging #higado #fruit #purge

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